Click panels in your selected order. Items you click will grow and grow with each turn. You will complete the game when all panels' level is max. They effect each other as they gro...
This version of Xump is an extended remake of the puzzle game Xump: The Final Run (which in turn is similar to the C64 game Sensitive) with improved graphics and new levels. The g...
Четыре героя сталкиваются с ордой зла! Непревзойденные способности, магические артефакты, улучшения героев и продуманная тактика... Все это поможет победить босса.
Добро пожаловать в удивительно хаотичный мир Traffic! Управляйте потоком трафика одним нажатием пальца! Путешествуя по 30 уникальным городам, остерегайтесь препятствий, таких ка...
Из студии, которая привезла вас в Долину Монументов, выходит история о том, как разбирать вещи на части и снова собирать себя воедино. Когда Мария, путешествующая по миру рестав...
The titans who hold the sky are about to drop it. A trio of heroes: beautiful and clever Leada, mighty Protus and nimble Adoris embark on a quest to help the giants...
Vila do Nevoeiro R.E.L.I.D.O is an psychological horror game that tells the story of Adam, who has recently moved to the strange Nevoeiro Village shortly after divorcing his wife,...
EverCrawl is a bite-sized puzzle roguelike. In EverCrawl the only way is forward. Each step, the player has to consider the best of the few available options to make it through wi...
A turn-based tactical story-driven card game set in a fantasy world of Ash of Gods. Two decks, three lines, six factions and a great deal of possibilities to create your own unique...
This is a Nokia Snake game included on colour phones. First introduced with the Nokia 9290 Communicator in 2002. It supports multiplayer through Bluetooth and Infra-Red.
Flesh Feast is a third-person action game with the in-game camera showing a top-down perspective in most instances. The player proceeds through fourteen levels controlling three te...
Она вспомнила, что Гусеницы - это фантазия в стиле фунгипанк о любви, потере и удержании, рассказанная в формате цветной головоломки. История как связь между родителем и ребенком,...
Hello Kitty puzzle.
Star Fox Guard - видеоигра Tower defense, совместно разработанная Nintendo и PlatinumGames для Wii U. Игра была включена в комплект в виде отдельного диска для первого печатного из...
An unofficial fan-game of Toby Fox's Undertale. Explore a re-imagined world based on the premise of swapping character roles, and adding original content, to create new scenarios.
A stand-alone puzzle game offered as a pre-order bonus with BioShock Infinite.
Язвительная и управляемая ритмом экшн-игра о том, как кататься по кругу. Подготовьте свои шары к эпическому путешествию в Баллхаллу. Почувствуйте ритм, чтобы преодолевать смерте...
Super Rub 'a' Dub stars the yellow duck from technical demos known as Ducks demo for the PlayStation 3 originally used at E3 2005 and 2006. Using the motion-sensing SIXAXIS control...
Join a secret and mysterious society whose members have sworn to get rid of war criminals, former mafia members, and other outlaws, living incognito among us. Hiding behind the app...
Finding true love is hard enough when it’s in person! Build a relationship through the screen as a couple copes with lockdown life by staying connected online! Will their love be l...
Have you ever felt it odd that the heroes of RPGs go around opening villagers' closets and stealing from them? Or that they travel the world indiscriminately killing all monsters t...
The journey continues! The game preferred by the best and the brightest is back with a brand new installment. See if you qualify! Seventeen levels, one hundred rooms. Play as eith...
Stack-Up is a video game released in 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, designed for use with the Robotic Operating Buddy (R.O.B.) Stack-Up is one of two games in Nintendo...
Egypt is a puzzle video game released for the Family Computer in 1991 by Human. It was released only in Japan. It is an object elimination type puzzle game. A player controls a sph...
Nightmare is the third and final game in the Darkest Fear trilogy and features two playable characters instead of just one in the previous games, Thomas Warden and his daughter Hel...
The Seeker is an action/stealth game, where you are in the role of the little drone that was accidentally activated by the debris that hit the EPC-221. It all began after the Great...
Липкий, любопытный… и полон решимости стать больше! Pudding Monsters - это восхитительно увлекательное приключение-головоломка с дурацкими персонажами и инновационной игрой собери...
Сложная игра-головоломка о том, как изолировать себя. Постройте безопасное место, свернитесь калачиком и устройтесь поудобнее.