A turn-based strategy game genre featuring Rocher and Alicia that live in a world shared by humans and fairies. These two form a group named Blue Roses to overcome the mysterious p...
From TV Animation One Piece: Nanatsu Shima no Daihihou is an RPG game for Game Boy Advance, based on the animated television show One Piece. This game was released only in Japan in...
TowerPrincess is a 3D action-platformer that recovers the spirit of the classical adventure games, as Zelda, Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet & Clank or Mario, and merges it with roguelike...
From the creators of Cyanide & Happiness and I-Mockery, comes an all new point-an-click adventure game filled with dark humor, drama, and all the weirdness you've grown to love and...
Mother 3: Opposing Force is a new story hack aiming to tell the tale of a mostly unseen side of MOTHER 3--that of the Pigmasks. Spread good will and happiness to the residents of T...
This 8bit game is a port from a mystery source...This casual, linier, interactive story game centers around a campfire with old friends telling... tales.
A survival strategy RPG that combines exploration, tactical combat, and cooking mechanics to create the perfect dish of dungeon-crawling adventure! Customize the class, appearance,...
An idle parody flash RPG where you grind for gold to increase the size of your sword to giant proportions and destroy all the enemies on this silly adventure.
In a land far away, the two princes—Richard (of the Custard Kingdom) and the game's main protagonist (prince of the Sablé Kingdom)—have shared a friendly rivalry since they were sm...
A new RPG from splendidland appears out of nowhere! In Franken, a hero fights monsters to become stronger so they can save the world.
A legendary story from unknown worlds beyond our time. The adventures of little sorceress Lucienne is a tale in the making...your own making. Work with Lucienne and her friends to...
Years after basketball was outlawed due to Charles Barkley causing the Great B-Ball Purge of 2041 by performing a Chaos Dunk, Barkley is framed for causing another such incident. I...
The bootleg 2hu Yuuto Ichika is back to make some new friends! This Game Boy homebrew is available to be played on emulators, such as Visual Boy Advance, and real hardware. Explor...
The cult classic RPG maker game that launched our careers Made in just a week back in 2012 In this game you choose to play as either Cantaloupe (Melon Boy) or Honeydew (Melon G...
Wobbly Life is a lively open world physics based sandbox. Play with your friends in Online and local co-op, discover a variety of minigames and objectives to earn cash to spend in...
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons & Donuts is the successor to the celebrated RPG-parody Grotesque Tactics. Experience an ironic story-driven RPG with humorous dialogue-puzzles in the...
Dracula, Mavis and their monster friends are marooned on the mysterious Lost Islands – and only you, in command of lovable little creatures, the Impa, can save them! Explore the is...
The eighth game in the NOEL the mortal fate series Released as a Web Browser and Windows game in Japan, the game released on Steam as DLC for the series bundle Noel the Mortal Fat...
A tactical puzzle game for Nintendo Switch, PC & Mac about underpaid magical girls and their fight to become unionised!
Help Beretta become the best witch ever in this 2D action platformer shoot 'em up! She's going on an adventure to beat up monsters, talk to cute NPCs, and discover the dark history...
Build a new life in a cozy cyberpunk adventure RPG! Polluted air having you gasping for breath? Drowning in endless debt? Online dating getting you nowhere? Leave your worries behi...
A short game set in the Rakuen universe about an average white-collar worker who struggles to find meaning in a life full of constant overtime and isolation. After an accident land...
Dragon Fin Soup seamlessly blends genres to create a fresh experience: half story-driven tactical RPG and half high-stakes roguelike, with a pinch of crass humor and a heaping help...
16-bit Era Retro RPG Adventure Platformer set in an alternative version of the 90’s. Got some retro love within you? - The 90’s Reality & Atmosphere - Pixel Art - Touching Story -...
Chikoku no Mokushiroku is a single player adventure RPG about a man who's locked in his house and can't get out.
Shadow Fate is a modernized, turn-based epic adventure where combat is intricate and challenging but immensely fun and satisfying, relying more on intelligent choices than repetiti...
Explore a strange galaxy, recruit funky aliens and discover weird worlds! Fight off hostile warships in exciting and easy-to-understand space combat! Most importantly, give your fl...