Rewrite is an all-ages rated Japanese visual novel developed by Key. The story follows the life of Kotaro Tennoji, a high school student with superhuman abilities who investigates...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru: Shinjitsu to Gensou no Nocturne is a remaster of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru for the Playstation 3 by Alchemist. It was released in Japan on Decemb...
An fantasy otome game released in Japan in 2011.
The fandisc to Hiiro no Kakera Shin Tamayorihime Densetsu. Features 3 scenarios for each guardian with additional routes for the Suwa brothers and takes place after the ending of t...
Вас пригласили посещать магическую школу. Вы можете завести новых друзей, выучить заклинания, сдать экзамены, баллотироваться на должность директора класса и попытаться найти дату...
Eldarya is a visual novel created by ChiNoMiko and developed by Beemoov, taking place in a fantasy world where the player character (often referred to as Erika) has the ability to...
A fantasy otome game.
A port of Ozmafia for Playstation Vita and Nintendo Switch. It includes port-exclusive CGs and scenarios written by the original writer and illustrator, Yuumasu and Satoi.
История Сиэля в Волшебном Отоге, дрянной романтической комедийной серии визуальных новелл с чересчур буквальным названием.
Fault Milestone Two Side: Above - кинематографический визуальный роман, действие которого происходит сразу после событий milestone one. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что этот рома...
This title stages the three heroines traveling the world in search of adventures and materials so that they can make the outfits of which they dream.
Princess Lumi has been held captive in the demon lord’s castle situated in a land of everlasting winter. She hates it. It’s cold, it’s lonely, the food is bad, and there’s literall...
Shinsouban Clover no Kuni no Alice Wonderful Wonder World is a remake of Clover no Kuni no Alice released for the PSP with new artwork by Fujimaru Mamenosuke.
Kamigami no Asobi InFinite, abbreviated as KamiAso IF, is a Japanese otome game published by Broccoli (company). It was released in Japan on April 21, 2016 for the PlayStation Port...
Forgotten Fables: Wolves on the Westwind is a visual novel set in the German pen-and-paper universe of The Dark Eye.
Mato Anomalies is a turn-based RPG that takes players on a journey across Mato, a fantasized neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Take control of the Dual Protagonists...
In A Role to Play, an armored fellow of varying potential names must escort a princess through a besieged kingdom to safety, accompanied by several colorful, non-human companions....
Fantastic Fortune 2 is a romance simulation game. In this otome game the protagonist is one of the three female characters: Aoi (16-year old priestess summoned from another world),...
Now included in the Dear Otome app. Wizardess Heart is a visual novel game with full of fantasy, adventure, love romance and school life in the wizardry world!
Yuuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru is a Japanese visual novel based on the Yuuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru franchise. The story follows the five female club members of the Sanshu Middle Schoo...
Kiniro no Corda is the starting title for the third major Neoromance series, Kiniro no Corda. This particular title is reputed for its crushing difficulty with simulation fans and...