Oku-sama no Kaifukujutsu was directed and developed by Alicesoft's Furin, creator of Oyako Rankan, Heartful Mama, Haha Ranman, the Tsuma series and famous for his dedication to the...
В попытке вырастить магию в существах, рожденных без способности ее использовать, колледж для пользователей магии в городе Ванахейм принимает студента-человека из Мидгарда. В этом...
The 2nd part of a 3 part series! It is an adventure game where you can enjoy a slapstick love harem play with laughter, tears, and a little H in a bar in a different world. The E-...
A modern Japanese-style fantasy story involving Yue, a young boy born and raised at a shrine, and his friendship with the Ayakashi spirits. HaccaWorks* presents a mysterious, spiri...
Деревня Хоори находится глубоко в горах, недоступная по железной дороге. Поскольку здесь мало взаимодействия с окружающей средой, город, кажется, застрял в прошлом. Тем не менее, и...
Celica Sylphil, the immortal warrior known as the Godslayer, lives within the stolen body of the goddess Astraea. For this, he is hunted day in and day out; servants of the gods se...
The great plains of Kvarna spreads out from the border between the western part and the central plains of the Raulbash continent. This was the territory of the demi-humans who have...
A new dungeon-crawler RPG game in the Genso Wanderer series. Embark on an adventure with Reimu and friends to solve incidents.
Every thousand years, the Dark Reign rises and pushes forth to destroy all humanity, but those of the Shoreline Nation have dedicated their lives to defending the world from this r...
Eiyu Senki Gold: A New Conquest is an improved version of Eiyuu Senki for PC and was only released in Japan. It uses the original characters in a new story and adds new characters,...
The ambitious Mistress of the Night is seeking to devour the kingdom of Midgardia. Created by the Moon Goddess Mani, this magnificent land is inhabited solely by women. You were su...
Угрюмый главный герой и неуклюжая женщина-ниндзя, живущие вместе?! В этой романтической приключенческой игре, действие которой разворачивается в Акихабаре, вы будете смеяться и пла...
This is a visual story with match3 combat system. You will be able to upgrade your character and gain new abilities in battle.) this line is fine You will have to fight each gir...
Ogasawara Hiroki is a thoroughly average man, until a photography job changes his life. Suddenly a gorgeous actress, athlete, idol, businesswoman and social media star, all the gir...
A story-rich tale of breaking the bonds of fate... and meeting some cute guys along the way!
Follow a strong-willed protagonist on a quirky, fast-paced story filled with humor, thrill and action. Get to romance four love interests with charming and unique personalities, so...
Happy Quest is a casual match-3 game. You are a kind hunter in the town. Your quest is help beautiful girls to defeat monsters.
You, the heroine, finds yourself snatched from your snatched from your peaceful modern life suddendly and thrown into a different time (Along with your best friend, Kyo). Caught in...
When her village was burned by the militarized country of Stahl, Ilza escaped into a dark forest and ends up lost. People believe that the forest, Yoiyo Mori, is cursed, and those...
Sorcerer’s Choice: Angel or Demon? is a dark fantasy visual novel that tells the story of a boy called Lucil, the grandson of a great magician. After his house is attacked by a mob...
Ayumu is a typical bachelor leading a normal life until women start appearing through portals in his living room fighting over who gets to become his bride and claim his... essence...
Ogasawara Hiroki was a normal man until he, by chance, learns that many members of Japan’s elite are actually succubi. And, what’s more, there’s something about his scent which mak...
Schoolgirl gets magically transported to a magic kingdom where she becomes a warrior
Match-2. Erotic adventures with maidens of different kinds, intrigues, and epic final await you. The game will impress as the fans of visual novels, so as good puzzle lovers.
Snatcher is a cyberpunk-themed graphic adventure game directed and written by Hideo Kojima and produced by Konami. The setting and story of Snatcher is heavily influenced by cyberp...
A prequel to Under the Moon.
An adult visual novel otome game.
It is an age when daemons and humans still live side by side, the Royal Abbey is the most renowned - the alma mater of the majority of elite government administrations. One of its...