The story is set in the late Edo period. After the Black Ships arrived, the crackdown for anything foreign-related by the extremists have gotten worse, even within the Capital. One...
The protagonist, who is nicknamed Senpai, is greeted by his Kouhai named Satou Kaori one day. They spent that whole day together. Kaori had something she wanted to tell only her se...
Included in the Story Jar app.
Addition disc for Last Escort. Adds a new route and new endings for the existing options.
A PlayStation 2 port of the Japanese visual novel AIR, which adds additional event CGs and voices to all characters including the protagonist.
Part of triAngle PROJECT, a collaboration project between Otomate and Frontier Works.
One day, the last man on Earth came home to find a girl sleeping on his bed. This is a free to play Visual-Novel by Sonnet009
Become Atom Eve and take control of your own path as one of the most powerful superheroes in the Invincible universe! Unravel a mystery and balance the dangers and responsibilities...
Her brother Shanaou was killed by a member of the Heike clan. For vengeance and to restore the Minamoto clan, the protagonist Sakurako vows to destroy all the Heike. Introducing he...
A science fiction otome game for PS2.
A sequel to both Himehibi -Princess Days- and Himehibi -New Princess Days- Zoku! Nigakki game. A popular reverse harem that the female protagonist enrolls in an all-boys school. Th...
Love's Hella Punk is an otome game by Voltage Inc. You are a good-natured and peace-seeking high school girl whose world is flipped upside down when a bad boy delinquent proposes t...