Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna Volume IV: Kizuna is the fourth and final installment in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna, which includes the fourth and final arc of the Advanced...
When first seemingly harmless achievement in technology turns into something sinister is not an unknown scenario to us. Picta Mori plays with the idea of what if AI image generator...
A remake of the original first chapter of Higurashi When They Cry.
The club has successfully made it to Okinomiya and evades more crazed villagers as they try to find the Sonozaki family's stronghold, meeting a girl named Une who may hold the key...
You wake up with an aching head and the world out of focus. In front of you is a man accusing you of being fake. He looks exactly like you, down to the last scar and pimple, has th...
A horror/mistery visual novel about Kenneth McCoy, a private investigator and his partners.
High school Fukurasuzume is one of the prefecture's most advanced schools. Ruled by principles of rigorism, it puts the students' discipline first. If a perfect high school exists,...
An extra arc and the third in the Advanced Story saga, partially adapted from the manga-exclusive arc Onisarashi, developed for Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna Volume II: Sou.
a poem about guilt, longing, and a lighthouse
My best friend came back after six months. There's someone else in her skin.
You are the all-seeing observer of a pair of roommates, Panchin and Julem. Panchin is an artist struggling with creative block, and thus spends most of their time pacing around the...
Gakkou no Kaidan DS is a game of the Gakkou no Kaidan Game Series. It was released only in Japan in July 17, 2008 for the Nintendo DS.
Influenced by 20th century pulp fiction and styled after 1980s home computer gaming graphics, Pixel Pulps transports you to strange and cryptic worlds not unlike our own... Explore...
A retro-styled psychological-thriller visual novel with dark yuri themes, about an Osakan college student who stalks her love interest and bumps off any rivals who get in the way.
Frustrain is a surrealistic VR thriller about some bizarre railroad incident. The adventure is focused on its plot and original graphics based on German expressionism movies. Havin...
Can a scientist save a test subject from her life’s work? All documents enclosed relate to ██. ██████ and █████████’s history within the Youth Training and Development Initiative...
This adventure game is adapted from Akagawa Jirou's classic mystery novel Yasoukyoku – Hon ni Manekaereta Satsujin (Nocturne – Books that beckon murder) that contains two separate...
Explore an interactive drama full of interesting characters Continue the adventures of the Utsugi Detective Agency with the return of familiar characters—including the returning p...