Follow the zany adventures of the inhabitants of Terminal Land, a universe in the shell. Genre-bending experiences spanning spells and spaceships define this epic multiplayer exper...
Those Who Came: Healing Solarus is a cooperative survival RPG where teamwork will become the key to saving planet Solarus from an imminent disaster. Explore a collapsing world with...
Soul Tide is an original title that combines anime girl collection, home simulation, and dungeon exploration. It is set in a fantasy world where witches kindled doom upon the land,...
Korogashi Puzzle Katamari Damacy (ころがしパズル塊魂, Korogashi Pazuru Katamari Damashii?) is a falling block puzzle video game released by Namco Bandai for the Nintendo DSi's DSiW...
Frisbros is a couch coop match of Ultimate Frisbee played inside a labyrinth of challenges, puzzles, and monsters. Team up with a friend and pass your disc to victory through eight...
“Legendary Tales: Stolen Life” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters and complicated quests.
Discover your own legend in Lucid. Platform through a crystalline world torn apart by calamity, absorb powerful abilities that expand movement and enhance combat against a diverse...
Explore a fantastic vision of the Victorian era in The Clockwork Man, an epic hidden-object game. At the turn of the century, in an alternate timeline, steam-powered technology has...
Since August 31, 1888, the identity of Jack the Ripper has eluded criminologists. Using the actual clues and evidence assembled from years of painstaking research, now you can solv...
The Forgotten is set in New Orleans, were you must find your friend, Richard Haliburton, who has mysteriously disappeared. He's been exploring a sect of black arts practitioners ca...
Fate has bestowed Skully a second chance at life when an enigmatic deity reanimates the skull through the power of magical clay after it washes upon the shore of a secluded isle. S...
Team up with the Nutcracker and your new friend, the Tin Soldier, to fight trolls and destroy the Baron's curse in this Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
The Gameboy Advance version of the classic title Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. It follows almost the same story as its mainstream counterpart but features significantly differen...
In the land of Gaarth there are five families of warlocks, each with its own unique ability. Our character is a young witch belonging to the family that dominates levitation. The v...
Help Lucy to find her treasure in this colorful platformer from the 16bit era! Find treasures, kill enemies and uncover secrets in this adventure.
Go on a voyage of discovery following the traces of a mysterious culture. Discover diverse landscapes, investigate abandoned artifacts, and wake strange machines from their slumber...
An underwater exploration game: Explore the depths of a surreal, hand-drawn abyss. Possess sea creatures and make use of their unique abilities to solve environmental puzzles, trav...
Lumina, a young Teslamancer, finds herself stranded after her airship crashes in Wyrmheim, a remote and treacherous land to the North. Embark on a dangerous adventure, exploring a...
Severe action, solving room riddles, and exploring labyrinths are the main focus of this quarter-view 3D action game.
Medieval Text Adventure game with graphics.
Boodunnit?! is an adventure-sandbox game where you play as a ghost that has to solve the mystery of her own murder! The village of Boonkle was a peaceful, quiet, and remarkably...
Colourful and enthralling platform game with the bold anthropomorphic animal as protagonist! Meet the Cattch!
Take the role of a brave little playing card on a card flipping adventure to save your captured companion. Solve puzzles and outwit enemies with 4 suit abilities as you make your w...
Meet familiar characters in new places and return joy to the world in Christmas Stories: Alice's Adventures, an enchanting hidden-object puzzle adventure game!
Wagyan Paradise is the third Wagyan Land game for the Super Famicom and the sixth game in the series overall. It features two new Wagyan dinosaur protagonists who alternate between...
В Вместе вы воображаемый друг ребенка: его невидимый компаньон, когда вокруг никого нет, и его опекун, когда ситуация становится опасной. Когда их собака Ришу пропадает, они обраща...
Welcome to Fujisawa Academy – an educational institution where nothing is as it seems and every pupil hides a dark secret. Having made a pact with a demon fox - and bestowing you w...
A fantastical, oceanic, and open world puzzle adventure game. Solve novel block-pushing puzzles while unearthing a mystifying narrative, awakening delightful new friends, gathering...