Hokuto no Ken for the Family Computer (Famicom for short) is a side-scrolling action video game published by Toei Animation and developed by Shouei Systems. It was released on Augu...
It's pure robot-on-robot ferocity as mechanized warriors duke it out for bragging rights. The sequel to the popular RISE OF ROBOTS, RISE 2 boasts improved graphics, sound that will...
In the 13th hierarchical city, Kagutsuchi, the Librarium regulates the amazing power of Armagus, a fusion of magic and technology. Currently they are aft er a wanted criminal named...
Play one or two mercenaries hired by the American government to stop the terrorist organization Big Valley. Take control of post-apocalyptic New York City away from the Big Valley...
This game's controls use a four-button scheme (two punches and two kicks, weak and strong). A particular feature is the possibility to use a super special attack. In order to achie...
Ultraman Fighting Evolution (ウルトラマン ファイティングエボリューション Urutoraman Faitingu Eboryūjyon) is a fighting game. It was developed and published by Banpresto. It was the...
The best fighters from around the universe battle in the ultimate tournament. Each win allows you to advance to the next round. Lose, and your homeworld is destroyed. Survival is y...
This side-scrolling beat-em-up game is a tribute to the coin-op classics that made the Turtles video game legends. The Turtles make their return to clean up the crime-riddled stree...
Rwby: Crystal Quest is a free-to-play puzzle fighter game created in partnership with EGLS Technology. The match-three style puzzler is based on all three seasons of the RWBY Chibi...
Aliens are attacking Icarus Earth Defence Base and within a hour and a half will occupy it, bringing bad news for the occupants of our planet. The solution is to send a android ins...
Break! Hunt! & Scramble! Super UFO Fighter is a unique battle action game where cute UFOs fight. It is possible for everyone can compete happily by simple rules like sports!
Top Hunter Roddy & Cathy - экшн с боковой прокруткой, выпущенный SNK в 1994 году. Используя 2-линейную систему с передней и задней линиями, которые можно свободно переключать, прыг...
The new Crate Punks: Dada is Dead release is a ground-up remake of the titular 2016 crate-throwing battle game. A clever game of crate action chess, perfect for sharing a couch wit...
The Slum... an area of town completely forgotten. No one could imagine the cruelness suffered by innocent people who were transformed into horrible mutant creatures by genetic expe...
Piko Interactive Arcade 1 features 9 unusual, varied and rare arcade games from the mid to late 1990s, including Dragon Master, Master's Fury, Fancy World: Earth of Crisis, Magic P...
The powers of the Relic are strong. In an effort to keep the Relic and oppress others, the Nezai and Zarai clans join together and call themselves the Chosen. Unfortunately, the Re...
- Iconic ASW characters remixed in 8-bit pixel art! Characters from all the iconic Arc System Works franchises, including Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, and the River City series, all meet...
Man and demon wage war with one-on-one fights in the 1-on-1 fighting game Galaxy Fight. Eight of the universe's greatest fighters enter into combat for the fate of the galaxy. Succ...
Take to the moving sidewalks of the future as you attempt to go Full Circle on the Shockway.
INFEST YOUR FRIENDS! Neon Parasite is a game of chaotic critter combat where you'll be hovering, shooting, and dashing your way around the competition to reign the most infested bu...
A side-scrolling platform game based very loosely around the second Batman movie. Penguin's army of killer clowns threaten to take control over Gotham City. The only thing standing...
Zoids Wild: Infinity Blast is a Zoids game released for the Nintendo Switch. Gameplay is similar to Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed, with newer Zoids and custom parts, including Zoids...
The DS version of Attack of the Toybots is a sidescroller beat-em-up with light shooter elements.
Hammerfist is a side-scrolling beat 'em up video game developed by Vivid Image and released in 1990 for the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.
In the future, Earth must protect itself from alien invaders, a task handled by the Science Special Search Party. However, they are not alone in this endeavor. After crashing his s...
A combination of 2D sprite-base action game and a 3D polygonal versus fighting game. The main gameplay has you controlling a giant Gundam-like robot, crashing every enemy unit in y...
A Japanese fighting game with 3D character models released on PlayStation in 1998 and re-released on PlayStation under the Major Wave series label in 2000 by Hamster Corporation....
Stones of power are given to some chosen fighters, who are being trained by a master to defeat the master's darker tendencies of destroying humanity. The fighters do not necessaril...