Chaos Strikes Back is an expansion and sequel to Dungeon Master, the earlier 3D real-time action role-playing video game. Chaos Strikes Back was released in 1989 and is also availa...
Rogue Galaxy is an action role playing game set in a futuristic fantasy universe, in which the player moves through a continuous environment with no load time between overworld exp...
Dragon Quest Monsters 2 followed Pokemon's strategy of releasing 2 games with exclusive monsters that would need to be traded between versions to collect them all. The games were...
Присоединяйтесь к Катриэль Лейтон, нашей новой героине, поскольку она оказывается втянутой в случайный, загадочный квест, корни которого уходят в поиски ее пропавшего отца, професс...
Brand new content that extends the game world by 5+ hours. Agarth visits you and explains that the resurrection by the gnome in the Well of Souls has caused massive disruptions to...
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, colloquially referred to as Mists or MoP, is the fourth expansion set for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of...
Pool of Radiance was the first adaptation of TSR's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D or D&D) fantasy role-playing game for home computers, becoming the first episode in a four-part...
Совершенно новое приключение с покемонами, основанное в регионе Торрен! Pokemon Insurgence - это фанатская игра серии Pokemon, основанная в совершенно новом регионе с забавными мех...
Отправляйтесь в эпическое приключенческое действие, чтобы спасти Королевство Авантия от разорения. Преодолейте темную магию, которая развратила благородных зверей королевства. Сраж...
Featuring a top-down isometric presentation, Empyre: Lords of the Sea Gates will rekindle old-school PC RPG fans with feelings of some of the classic story driven RPGs of the 90s....
In Tombs & Treasure, you'll have to use your wits in order for your party to successfully make its way through the ruins. As you enter such sites as El Castillo and the Ball Court,...
Veloren is an open-world multiplayer voxel RPG. It is inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. Veloren is fully ope...
ODIN: Valhalla Rising is an RPG game that will be launched for PC, Android and iOS. The game is based on Nordic mythology, developed by Lionheart Studio, which will be published by...
Explore, craft, and survive in this Multiplayer RPG Platformer with permanent death! Featuring many Rogue-like elements, Magicite randomly generates each underground dungeon for yo...
Любимая фанатами Толстая принцесса дебютирует на PlayStation 4 с выходом игры Fat Princess Adventures в 2015 году. Это новое кооперативное приключение от Fun Bits Interactive, созд...
Folk Tale is a single-player fantasy village builder RPG game in which you lead a ragtag band of peasants in growing a small settlement into a thriving market town, while dastardly...
Your astral projection, Maroc, flees from a goblin swordman as a wraith drifts silently into a corner. Can you open the chest and seize the key to penetrate below the Gatehouse Lev...
Become a werewolf, known as Garou, in the atmosphere of their shamanistic and tribal world. Garou are Werewolf warriors opposed to urban civilization and supernatural corruption, a...
Окончательное издание игры, включающее все предыдущие дополнения, новый сценарий, который также будет доступен в качестве дополнения к оригинальной игре, возможность ускорения сраж...
The Pathless - это мифическое приключение, в котором вы играете за Охотника, опытного лучника, который исследует таинственный проклятый остров вместе с орлом-компаньоном. Ваша цель...
Reborn City — black smog and acidic water garnish the crumbling structures along the skyline. City streets fest like alleys with disaster and crime. But the metropolis stands, a de...
Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen (originally released as Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen) is the fourth installment in the Might and Magic series by New World Computing.
Сразитесь в небе с фантастическим боем на летающих лошадях, не похожим ни на что, что вы видели раньше в Riders of Icarus, новой беспрецедентной приключенческой MMORPG, которая поз...
Touhou Puppet Dance Performance is a spiritual successor to the Pokémon FireRed hack Touhou Puppet Play, involving training and collecting puppets of various Touhou characters.
Вначале были Боги. Давно запертые и забытые в храмах Цитадели, они выкачали жизненную сущность из мира в своем последнем акте мести. Одинокий рыцарь отправляется на поиски, чтобы у...
Ragnarok: The Lost Memories, the follow-up to Ragnarok Online, is finally here! Ragnarok: The Lost Memories brings back all the nostalgia and classic game experience of the origina...
A New Land, A New Life: Savage Lands is a gritty, brutal, first-person open-world fantasy survival experience in which players have only one goal: Stay Alive. Explore a world where...
Kingdom Under Fire included single-player and multiplayer online modes through Phantagram's Wargate server. The game is the first release in the Kingdom Under Fire series which lat...