Samurai: Japan Warrior Fighter is an exhilarating action-adventure game that immerses players in the captivating world of feudal Japan. Assume the role of a young and determined sa...
Squid Commando is an action-packed, classic arcade run & gun game that can be played solo or in co-op.
Cultivate the strongest monster in this horde survivor farming game! Fight against waves of creatures to beef up your Whispike and use its seeds to create even stronger hybrids!
Survive and shoot killer robots then reuse their parts to construct your own rideable robots! Build a base, gather resources, craft weapons! Shoot, construct, and ride the most mas...
Capcom serves up a collection of classic games in Capcom Classics Collection. You can relive more than 20 classic titles including 1942, Final Fight, Ghosts 'n Goblins, and Command...
You were turned into a dark creature by evil scientists and finally managed to break free! It's time for revenge!
Unite, Fight, Liberate: Write Your Legend in the Battle for Freedom!