The epic saga continues with Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath! This new entry expands the critically acclaimed story campaign of Mortal Kombat 11 with an all-new cinematic narrative cen...
Pokémon: Type Wild is a fan made fighting game made by former animators of the Pokémon Anime. The game consist of nine Pokémon, each with their own move-set. These Pokémon are: Gen...
Romans, pirates and boars beware! The famous Gauls Asterix and Obelix are coming back for a brand new adventure! Unlike the magic potion, the gameplay recipe is pretty straight fo...
Dead or Alive 3++ was released as a rebalanced version of Dead or Alive 3 for the original Xbox game system. It features various system and character balances from the previous thr...
Take the Virtua Fighter arcade experience wherever you go! Challenge the world's greatest fighters in the World Fighting Tournament! Crush your opponent with fighting moves straigh...
Rival Turf is a cyber-punk comic-book style beat 'em up inspired by the likes of Streets of Rage and Final Fight.
The smash arcade classic returns in all its glory! Shadowy conglomerate Ultratech has organized a merciless fighting tournament of unprecedented scope and brutality. Lured by Ultra...
Super Smash Bros. Sonic 2 Mod is a mod for Super Smash Bros. (N64) which changes the stages of the games to new stages based on Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Bayonetta joins the fight to show off her Bullet Arts and Witch Time! A new stage is available, as well!
Vargverse is a fighting game made in M.U.G.E.N based on streamer Vinesauce Joel.
Lincoln Green is an all ages Fighting game. A bright cast of characters battle to save Lincoln Green from the greedy Sheriff and his henchmen! Single player, online multiplayer, as...
Sport and RPG elements have been combined with traditional fighting game mechanics for the first time, to offer unrivaled realism and challengingly brutal gameplay. Train until you...
Walk into the arena, take a bow, and prepare for the most intense combat simulation ever! Over nine controllable fighters are yours to command, complete with an arsenal of face-bus...
A one-on-one fighting game based on the same-named movie by Columbia Pictures.
Waku Waku 7 is a fighting game released by SUNSOFT in 1996. Players will control characters who have one of 7 WAKU WAKU balls that grant wishes, and gather the remaining balls. Let...
Ragnarok Battle Offline is a 2D side scrolling brawler based on the MMO Ragnarok Online
Xbox 360 port of Golden Fantasia (黄金夢想曲 Ougon Musou Kyoku).
The Last Blade is a fighting game released by SNK in 1997, set in Japan’s Edo period with a roster of unique swordsmen to choose from. Thematically the game is similar to the “SAMU...
Hockey Hysteria is a fast-paced, physics-based hockey game that lets you play as one of 25 top-ranked international teams in the sport. Challenge your friends on a shared screen (o...
Karate was an early versus fighting game for the Atari 2600. It was designed by black belt Joseph Amelio.
Blowhards is a long range multiplayer fighting game, with king of the hill style gameplay. The game is inspired from a mix of Super Smash Bros. and Towerfall Ascension. This...
Sakigake!! Otokojuku is PS3 game based on manga series written and illustrated by Akira Miyashita. It was originally serialized at the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. It is s...
Skorecery is a fast-paced local multiplayer sports-like set in a tournament of mystics. Players engage in a contest of reflexes and split-second decision-making to protect their Ru...
LegacyClonk is the community-developed title of Clonk Rage. The 2D game offers varied gameplay, from settlement and construction to small melees and huge battles, online-ready and...
Pocket Rumble is a streamlined, beginner-friendly 2-button fighting game that retains all the gameplay elements that make traditional 2D fighters great, but reduces the level of ex...
Break! Hunt! & Scramble! Super UFO Fighter is a unique battle action game where cute UFOs fight. It is possible for everyone can compete happily by simple rules like sports!
A mix between a 3D fighting game and basketball. Slam dunk and beat up your way through opponents to prove your legendary basketball abilities.
You can choose from more than 10 characters and enter the ring in the ultimate hand-to-hand competition. Rather than using a two-out-of-three format, you must score seven points in...