Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers, released as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II: Back from the Sewers in Europe, and simply Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 in Japa...
The second installment in the Sunday morning anime x casual difficulty side-scrolling anime game series Kokoro Clover! Five new scenarios with new characters and new stages have be...
Choose a side, master your moves, and embrace your destiny in an epic beat 'em up adventure inspired by the hit show. Take control of 8 playable characters with deep movesets, comb...
DJ Boy, also known as DJ Kid, was designed as a standard side-scrolling beat'em up game partially based on the hip-hop culture of the U.S. cities. What made the game unique at the...
Separation Anxiety is a side scrolling beat'em up game, featuring characters and stories taken from the Spiderman comics. The story is loosely based on a mini series of comics abou...
Kunio has to go see his master, Bunzo, because he is in some kind of trouble. Kunio's brother, Tsuu, tells him to wait. Right in front of the dojo, Kunio meets Asaji and Okoto. App...
Привет, я Мисако из средней школы Неккетсу. Я менеджер нашей местной футбольной команды. Наконец, мы можем доказать, что ФК Неккетсу - величайшая команда в мире. Если мы будем усер...
Billy, Jimmy, and the whole Double Dragon gang fight for the Sacred Stones to save in the world in yet another beat-em-up.
The Darkest Tales is a complex and compelling adventure, full of familiar characters and fairytale landscapes. Over the course of the journey, you'll have to come face-to-face with...
The mobile phone version of the adaptation of the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Ожидание закончилось! Раш, Зитц и Прыщ наконец-то возвращаются, чтобы пробиться сквозь совершенно новое остросюжетное приключение с хореографическим хаосом, и диванный кооператив,...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 2003 Game Boy Advance video game, based on the 2003 TV series. In this game each Turtle has his own unique set of levels to complete. In addition...
Bravery and Greed is an action-packed brawler/platformer for up to four players boasting hi-bit pixel art, roguelike elements, a deep combat system and many game modes for coop and...
Ninja Gaiden is an action video game released for the Game Gear in 1991 by Sega with license from Tecmo. It stars Ryu Hayabusa and is part of the Ninja Gaiden series, although it f...
A new Gear arises, its name Leopaldon. As they threaten to lay waste to the world, you prepare to mount your offense. The good news? You won't have to face them alone. Guilty Gear...
Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden is a 1989 role-playing video game for the Family Computer published by Bandai. The game commemorates the 20th anniversary of Shueisha's manga anthology...
You control five various Dragon Ball characters in this game: Son Goku, Son Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Future Trunks. The game is based on training your characters, and fighting w...
Things are rarely ever black and white, but that’s not the case in Black & White Bushido. With an original soundtrack and gorgeous, stylistic 2D visuals, you’re either a light or s...
Tournament Tactics immerses you in a challenging tournament set in the Yu Yu Hakusho universe. Create a team with up to five characters, and then use your players' unique combos, s...
Play as a brave battle mage who passes through the desert catacombs and searches for his way to freedom. Break through the crowds of dangerous enemies and improve your magic skills...
Originating in the arcades, Dynasty Wars is a beat-em-up set during the Three Kingdoms Era of the Chinese history, and is, more specifically, based on the Tenchi o Kurau manga adap...
Up to three players, as the Battletoads, brawl aliens and mutant rodents through six levels to save the universe from the Dark Queen. The game also includes vertical and bonus leve...
Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder is a side-scrolling arcade hack 'n' slash game released in 1992 by Sega. It was the first 32-bit game in the series. It still remains an arca...
lurkers.io is a multiplayer HTML5 game about surviving the zombie apocalypse, and much more. There are a bunch of different gamemodes in the creation such as roleplay, deathmatch,...
A one-level vertical slice created as proof of concept for a reboot of the Golden Axe series, released eight years after its creation by the now-defunct SEGA Studios Australia.
Popeye: Ijiwaru Majo Seahag no Maki is a board game and sidescroller action game in one. The goal is to recover all the hearts scattered around the game board and defeat any mini-b...
Way of the Passive Fist - это уникальная и красочная аркадная драка. Парируйте, уворачивайтесь и бросайтесь вперед, чтобы перехитрить и пережить своих врагов на пустынной планете,...
It's Pizza Time! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rescue-Palooza is a fan-made beat-em-up game based on the TMNT! An update and homage to the classic NES titles, with tons of characte...