In a magical town there lives a candy alchemist, Syrup, who one day discovers a candy golem in her basement. Where did she come from? Who could've made her? Go find out! Featuring...
Luckless Seven is the story of Mark Vesco’s coming of age. Once an inspired youngster, Mark finds himself living a listless, dutiful existence just two years out of high school. Wh...
Trumpet is a dark visual novel that deals with themes such a death.
Суо Ширахане, застенчивая девушка с таинственным прошлым, начнет свой первый год в средней школе в Академии Святого Ангрекума, где она надеется найти новое начало. Она познакомится...
Unique and beautiful attire and accessories Every story will have its own style that suits the world it's set in: ancient, modern, eastern, western, and more. Dramatic story-chang...
Don't Give Up on Me! is a romance-comedy visual novel about a simple love confession going wrong in the most unpredictable, absurd and insane ways ever imagined. Experience five di...
Mermaid Gothic was released in 2014 for the PSP.
99 Spirits is an RPG/Puzzle game that revolves around the popular Japanese folklore of Tsukumogami, everyday objects coming alive on their 100th birthday. The Game Features an ori...
The game begins with your character, whose family has just moved to the area, entering his new school for the first time. After class, you accidentally run into a conservative-look...
Densha de D Burning Stage (Train D Burning Stage) is a three dimensional train battle game based upon Initial D, a popular manga series written and illustrated by Shuichi Shigeno;...
Штейнс;ворота: линейный ограниченный Phenogram/Phenogram линейных пресечения (Штейнс;ворота 線形拘束のフェノグラム Senkei Kousoku нет Phenogram?) это визуальный роман, выпущенный н...
Разгадайте захватывающую тайну, исследуя странный и запутанный особняк, обнаруживая любопытные улики, допрашивая необычных подозреваемых и решая уникальные головоломки. Фрейя Фелл...
Saint Spell's Love Guide to the Magical Student's Spellbook is a dating and friendship simulator of the famous magical conservatory, Saint Spell! In your first week of school, meet...
Aviary Attorney - это приключенческая игра в стиле серии Ace Attorney. Игрок берет на себя роль адвоката защиты и должен расследовать преступления, а затем защищать своих клиентов...
Вы Рокко Гальяно, экзистенциально проблемный менеджер борющейся футбольной команды. Тренируйте игроков, выбирайте свой собственный сюжет, переживайте драму и играйте в пошаговые фу...
Enju Yoinara is a middle school teacher at the small, rural Yusei Junior High. A strange encounter one rainy morning is quickly forgotten as the rest of the day goes by without inc...
Air is the all-ages version of the Japanese visual novel developed by Key that follows the story of the life of Yukito Kunisaki, a traveling showman searching for the girl in the s...
LovePretend is an otome visual novel for Nintendo Switch, developed by Idea Factory. Can Chiyuki draw up a script about fake lovers, while not knowing anything about falling in...
You play as Eli, a man thrown into a surreal and unexpected situation that will make him rethink about his whole life and both of his past and future actions. Will he be able to fi...
Winning the Ultimate Mech Tournament takes tactical skills to defeat opponents in epic GIANT MECH BATTLES and strategic savvy to repair and upgrade your Mech with the shiniest engi...
Arietta of Spirits is a story-driven action-adventure game, following Arietta on her journey to unveil the mysteries of the Spirit Realm. Immerse yourself in a story filled with em...
Визуальный роман в стиле средневекового фэнтези с изюминкой отоме. Рея работает медсестрой в деревенской больнице и живет мирной жизнью - пока один из ее пациентов не заболевает та...
Cartagra: Tamashii no Kunou is a console port for Cartagra: Affliction of the Soul.
Bloom is a real-time narrative-driven social sim about starting up a flower shop made exclusively for Playdate. Tend to Midori's garden while texting friends and family as she star...
Chaos;Child - четвертая игра в научно-приключенческой серии, действие которой разворачивается через шесть лет после событий Chaos;Head. Это также описывается как Бредовое научное п...
In a world where psychological states can be quantified, every choice has consequences, victims can become criminals, and the very nature of truth can warp and shift. Can detective...