The story follows our protagonist Katsuya Saeki, and his life as an unsuccesful salary-man going nowhere...until one day, he is approached by a man in black, offering him glasses t...
The third Boys Love Game by Nitro+CHiRAL of Togainu no Chi fame, sweet pool begins with the return of Youji Sakiyama to his Catholic high school after being confined in hospital fo...
A visual novel about the end of the world with a focus on time management. Experience battles in original parallel turn-based strategy minigames or classic novel mode. Half of the...
There is a small village. One day, two university students visit the village to do research about a local legend handed down from generation to generation. However, they are struck...
The protagonist - Usui Yoshihito works at Shinoda Shinjuku Detective Agency. The agency received a classified assignment from the Shinjuku Central PD. A joint-investigation behind...
Unlike many internet-founded projects, this convention was successful. But close to the end of the second day, someone was found dead in convention hall C. People reported to the l...
A pocket-sized intro to a whodunnit involving you, your phone, and the people at the bus stop you sleep at.
Innocent Grey fandisc featuring short stories and mini-games based on Innocent Grey works such as Cartagra and PP-pianisimo-.
Step into the shoes of Detective Rocky Rhodes and solve the mystery of the mysterious relic with the help of your partner Barbara and mentor Sullivan. The truth can be evasive - bu...
You've lived your whole life in a single basement. Now, your cage is unlocked. You could leave this house at any moment you want. But without knowing what happened, can you ever tr...
Steamy dreams that continue every night, and the dangerous yet tempting man who appears in them… Waking up from another unspeakable secret dream, with a flushed face, what unfolds...
You've got all the evidence, now just one thing left, the real puzzle at the heart of this case, the final face off against the Killer
A visual novel developed by Chainsou.
Kasumi Kawamura thought the nightmare was over, but it followed her to university. A strange affliction begins to affect the city, causing the victims to suffer terrible nightmares...
Two years ago, Oliver Blanche disappeared. An aspiring detective catches wind of the case, and decides that if nobody else was going to solve this, he would. Little did he know, t...
Like its predecessor, De-Ja II is a Japanese-style adventure. The interface has been enhanced compared to the first game. Most of the commands are still done via the extensive verb...
Defend the innocent and save the day! Courtroom hero Phoenix Wright lays down the law this Winter in the digital release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Experience the ori...
Routes is a science-fiction visual novel and the fourth entry in the Leaf Visual Novel Series, taking place in 21st-century Japan with Nasu Souichi, the main character whose a perf...
There's only one detective to unravel this murder turned museum heist... and they're the cat's meow. Interrogate a colorful cast of suspects until they cough up hairballs... and th...
Discover the hidden secrets of NeoCity in Shadows in the City, the detective novel that immerses you in a world of mystery, conspiracy and futuristic science. He accompanies intrep...
Angel Hearts is a dead simple RPG developed by ELF in 1989. The gameplay resembles that of dungeon crawlers, meaning that there are no friendly areas; though the view for explorati...
In the game, you play a detective tasked with solving the murder of a famous film critic. There are three suspects: the Actress, the Banker, and the Understudy. You must interrogat...
Another day, another job. You work as a Solo - a contract killer. Today is June 30, 3030. Eladia Volante, the Operations Specialist at Suto-Shira, has contacted you at Gikhusko Tow...