Sekrets of the Dungeon - a 2D platformer in the genre of Dungeon Crawler, where you have to try to solve all the secrets of the dungeon, losing yourself, without stepping aside......
Команда Mutant Mudds и Xeodrifter выпустила новый 2D-платформер с курицей и червем в главных ролях для Nintendo 3DS и iOS. Игра будет включать в себя редактор уровней, и уровнями м...
In The Shadows - это платформер-головоломка, в которой вы используете свет, чтобы отпугивать теневых существ, которые превращаются в повседневные предметы, которые вы можете исполь...
This is a 4 level DLC pack for the Rochard. These levels were created as a response to fans that found the original stages a bit too easy.
Exit 2 is the sequel to the PlayStation Portable game Exit. The developers promised more focus on puzzles rather than action and platforming. It was released in Japan and Korea in...
About / Downloads We are creating a game engine that allows one to play, create, and share 3D-tile/block based games. StageMechanic is currently in Early Access and is availa...
You play as Danny, a young man suffering from insomnia, who uses an experimental device to explore his mind and discover the cause of his sleeplessness. Each level of the game, rep...
Что скрывается под поверхностью этого обманчиво минималистичного приключения? В Animal Well есть нечто большее, чем то, что вы видите. Исследуйте густой взаимосвязанный лабиринт и...
Welcome to the world of Ctrl CV, a find-the-image platformer puzzle game. You are surrounded by countless clones of yourself, and your goal is to find the source of these doppelgan...
Just when you thought you completed the level, it's going to happen all over again... master 30 new permutations of a brand new level from the minds of Tasselfoot and the programmi...
Играйте за двух минотавров. Соедините свои экраны, чтобы помочь друг другу выбраться из лабиринта.
No scarecrow can navigate the intricate, physics based puzzles laid out across Bowkin County without a cool, capable player behind the wheel. Could that be you? Do you have the res...
Monochroma is a cinematic puzzle platformer that takes place in an industrial-alchemical environment. It's about being a kid, having a younger brother, growing up, falling down and...
Just when you thought it was safe to spend a day at the beach, desunoya is back with Tobari 2: Nightmare! This is a game that cannot be recommended to any normal gamer. But if you...
Отправьтесь на другую планету и откройте для себя ее секреты, чтобы вернуть к жизни своего любимого человека. Испытайте приключение, вдохновленное классикой старой школы, такой как...
Четыре элементаля притягиваются к Клаудии, когда она ищет своего пропавшего дядю! Отправляйтесь в путешествие, чтобы раскрыть тайну, стоящую за таинственными вратами Фей.
Naught is a platform videogame with a unique control where you rotate the environment to change gravity and guide the main character, Naught, through labyrinth levels full of chall...
Helheim Hassle is a narrative adventure game with puzzle platforming elements. Play as Bjørn, a pacifist Viking that can detach and combine limbs at will to solve challenging puzzl...
ABOUT THE GAME Koloro is a contemplative puzzle/platform game. Its story reveals a poetic world. The graphics and atmosphere are enhanced using contrasts, and bewitching sound eff...
You may think it's simple enough to run and jump your way through life. But there's more to this world... or, rather, these worlds. You're entering the duality of a distressed mind...
Mario's Keep is a ROM hack/mod of Super Mario Bros. (NES). The game is a puzzle/maze, in which the player needs to find the floors and save the princess.
Start the best Enigmatic Adventure of your life! Solve brain-teasing puzzles, explore different worlds with smooth platforming, and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the mysterious wo...
Помогите Клоноа спасти Фантомайл, землю, созданную мечтами ее обитателей и недавно осажденную неизвестным злом. Захватывающее дух путешествие Клоноа ведет его через ряд все более с...
Your objective is to gather gold that is scattered on the brick platforms, which are connected by ladders. You are chased by robots (cyborgs) that end your character's life if they...
Mickey Mouse III: Yume Fuusen is the third game in the Crazy Castle series, and became known in the West as Kid Klown in Night Mayor World.
Joon Shining is a golf-like platformer with a fantasy twist. Combining traditional golf & mini-golf with elements of puzzle platforming, it evolves the hit-and-wait formula of golf...
Control: Override is a puzzle game where control itself is a powerup. Solve puzzles, Break through a rogue AI's security layers and confront the truth about why it went rogue.
Летайте и выживайте в фантастических, раскрашенных вручную мирах, наполненных оригинальными ловушками, головоломками и препятствиями! Станьте свидетелем отмеченного наградами мира...