Cubicity is a physics-based puzzle game. You play the role of Seamus, a curious guy who can't seem to keep himself out of trouble. Help him figure out how to make it home in one pi...
Bonkies is a couch co-op construction game in space, starring astronaut monkeys equipped with jet-packs and powerful robot arms. You and your friends must cooperate to build elabor...
The breakout title from Summitsphere, Antonball Deluxe is a retro, high-octane smorgasbord of ballbusting arcade action! Antonball Deluxe quite literally turns the breakout genre o...
Become the lord of this road! Put things in order in the traffic! Write out fines for violators and do not fall into the gachi trap...
Brutal Orchestra is a turn-based roguelike strategy game. You died, someone killed you. You are now in Purgatory and you will never escape. Make a deal with the demon Bosch and set...
Cloning Clyde is a 3D side-scrolling adventure. As Clyde, or one of his clones, work your way through the levels of the nefarious Dupliclone, Inc. building. It houses bizarre simu...
After ten years of living in a diner with a single All You Can Eat coupon, your existence is threatened by the diner's imminent foreclosure! Embark on an epic... um... mundane jour...
Help a pink-clad office lady find a missing document so the boss doesn't get angry in this free spin-off minigame to Kero Blaster.
Plague MD — симулятор средневековой медицины. Станьте доктором-шарлатаном, застрявшим в захолустной деревне 16 века. Ваша задача — поставить диагноз и вылечить пациента, использ...
The third game in the Robot Wants series.
The People's Republic of Neo Kazakhstan Needs YOU! Hack and slash your way to freedom as you harvest valuable Kazakh timber in order to earn enough Kazakh Kredits for a ticket home...
Head 2 Head is a single player fighting game experience. You fight through a gauntlet of enemies, using ALL HEAD JUTSU to prove that you are the best. Collect Skulls and Roguelike...
It’s time to kick ass and break hearts! Wrestling with Emotions: New Kid on the Block is a wrestling dating sim that combines elements of RPGs and punk games to create a uniquely a...
A short part of the long story, dedicated to the adventures of pets and their owners, living in a cruel dystopian society where intelligent animals with anime eyes have replaced hu...
Tall Poppy is a fun-house horror experience where you must find your wife's purse and a way off the church property before the prankster ghost gets you!!
Browse the aisles for the items on your grocery list, get into some trouble, and solve minor puzzles in this short (15-25 minute) shitpost about the wonders and terrors of retail,...
Prepare yourself for another journey through series of new worlds, featuring multiple challenges with many ways to pass a level and resolve puzzles. A-MEN 2 allows you to hang out...
К счастью для Версимоса, у него есть три ученика, которые не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы получить проходной балл, и если это означает спасение их учителя из коварных гор Морг,...
OmniBus is about the most powerful bus in the universe that can’t stop or even slow down for reasons incomprehensible to the simple human mind.
InfiniTrap is a fast paced maze game for hardcore players. The game will start off with 40 levels and will be available on Windows, OSX and Linux. Every level starts with the play...
Волшебство: на пути очарования - это совершенно новое текстовое комедийное приключение от отмеченного наградами автора Infocom и Legend Entertainment Боба Бейтса.
Healer's Quest - это беззаботная RPG, в которой вы играете исключительно за целителя банды придурков.
Potatoman проверит ваши рефлексы и мировоззрение, когда вы будете путешествовать по знойным пустыням, темным лесам, оживленным городам, самым высоким горам и, в конечном счете, по...
Бросайтесь, уклоняйтесь и прокладывайте себе путь к истине в роли корпоративного шпиона Асару или безрассудного агента ЦРУ Амелии! Раскройте мрачные секреты мегакорпорации Negabot,...
Атака Скелетов?? Легендарное аниме снова восстает, чтобы победить Атаку скелетов... Используйте свой НЕПРЕВЗОЙДЕННЫЙ НАВЫК, чтобы преподать им урок; Спасите планету и победите угро...
A physics driven flipping and skiing game inspired by Getting Over It. Flip yourself up a massive mountain of stuff! Fall down, rage, get up, keep flipping!
A retro-style video game set in a manga-ish absurd world.
But it’s more than just a game. It’s passion. A single dude with a small budget and help from a few creative friends trying to conquer this world. You can be among the first people...