Evacuated from his hometown due to the dangerous bursts of dark energy, the ordinary citizen is trying to overcome and survive a series of events in a new reality, where living as...
Vlad Circus: Descend into Madness puts your sanity to the test, challenging you to escape a labyrinth of nightmares and torment. Test your mind against a slow burn of puzzles, ligh...
A Short Form Horror Game
Tales from Candleforth is a folk horror 2D point and click adventure with puzzles and escape room mechanics. Using dark and evocative aesthetic it creates a nostalgic atmosphere wh...
Get Out is a 1-4 player online co-op psychological horror. Complete tasks and puzzles to banish the entities that have you and your team trapped, and make sure to get out, before t...
A twisted first person horror adventure. As an employee of the SCP Replication Division you are tasked with testing artificially developed paranormal events. Solve puzzles, convers...
Jump into the pit and immerse yourself in a new chapter in the Five Nights at Freddy’s universe. Oswald wishes his town, and his life, weren’t so boring. That all changes when he e...
A mysterious message in a bottle calls a little ghost to reunite a pirate captain with his 4 wayward wives...
Amnesia: Justine is an expansion for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, released by Frictional Games on April 12, 2011. It was initially only released for the Steam version of The Dark Des...
This is the beginning of the interactive thriller genre “Seven” and the predecessor to “Seven: Endgame”, in both of which you decide your own scary interactive story. Being contac...