Green Oddities is a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame, a point and click horror game. Created by the Radiance Team, the game, and the entirety of the series, was intended to be a jo...
In Absent Mind, you are put in the place where you were born as you cross the bridge into the afterlife. The hospital was used as the bridge and it contains important items of your...
A horror game about infinite dreams, where you need to constantly find abnormal places in the room to stay awake, otherwise you will fall into terrifying dreams
Escape the dangerous beings lurking in the dark, dodge countless deadly traps and slowly unruffle the secret of the Temple of Horror while not just trying to survive but to find yo...
Pilot a drone to shoot enemies and dodge patterns of bullets. Fight bosses and get powerups that enable some crazy action! Can you pass the Human Intelligence Test in your Chamber?
Lose your mind. Eat your crew. Dive. Take the helm of your zubmarine and set sail for the unknown! Zubmariner is the first expansion to Sunless Sea: deeper, darker, and more marvel...
It is under these circumstances that Phebe finds herself moving to the isolated frontier town of Edgeville. Rumors have it that monsters roam the lands after dark and anyone caught...
Story driven comedic Sauna Simulator / Mystery Horror Game. Heat a Finnish sauna without actually going to Finland.
An adventure game about not peeing your pants, can you survive the scary house?
'My Work Is Not Yet Done' is a pilgrimage simulator following the final days of the inquisitor Avery, the last remaining survivor of the Empire’s doomed excursionary efforts into t...
Directional Isolation is a VR game that allows you to experience space as a spaceship captain. You have no crew and no idea where to go. Thankfully, your ship has a personalized A....
The lab thing is a first-person survival horror game. Explore a mysterious secret lab and play as the only human left alive. Gather all the scientist's notes about the monster, upg...
A psx style game where you harvest with a harvester. However, you do not live in an ordinary world, you live in a very gloomy and old giant city. Where all the inhabitants of this...
Prepare to be entertained! The developers behind 10 of the most popular and highest-rated VR titles have joined together to offer this convenient and cost-effective one-stop shop....
LSD: Revamped is a fan-made remake of the cult-classic PS1 game LSD: Dream Emulator.
Sinner 97 is a first person PSX VHS psychological horror set in 1997, within the confines of a shadowy religious cult. Remain hidden and overcome problems in order to escape the Fa...
A lone clown explores a mysterious home. He meets strange inhabitants on his journey to discover why he exists. Join him, and you may discover a thing or two about yourself.
You are the all-seeing observer of a pair of roommates, Panchin and Julem. Panchin is an artist struggling with creative block, and thus spends most of their time pacing around the...
Skibidi Backrooms is a cooperative horror game for a group of 4 players. Solo mode is also available. You have to survive among the backrooms and find a way out before you are over...
In the year 2024, South Korea has become a wasteland due to the Epsilon virus. South Korea is full of infected people. In this desolate landscape, a man hears a rumor about a path...
The heroine with a mysterious past gets a job in a store in the underworld. A male doll will help her with this work.
Полная загадок история между ней и мной на краю света.
Escalator is escape room game like The Exit 8. This is a horror game in which you must find something unusual while riding an escalator and try to escape from an enclosed space.
Deep Fear will make you plunge into an atmosphere of horror and hopelessness. For salvation, you can only rely on yourself.
Do you like spontaneous purchases? Do all your purchases bring you happiness? Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.
You're a nameless traveler, stranded in a ghost town in the Cursed West. Use your wits, elbow grease, and the iron on your hip. Build a homestead, work the land, and survive agains...
Experience the next generation of space combat in HAUNTED SPACE. Sci-fi blends with horror elements in a story-rich adventure based on exploration, fast-paced dogfighting, trading...