At the edge of the known world lies lands yet undiscovered and quirky animals yet unknown! Set in the roaring 20’s, you play an intrepid photographer searching for the rarest, wild...
Pokémon Pikachu, also known as Pocket Pikachu in Japan, is a limited series of two portable Pokémon digital pets (similar to Tamagotchi) featuring the famous yellow electric-type P...
In Horse Life 2 the player can select his horse from seven different breeds and can take care of it, train it and take part in various competitions. The horse's behaviour is there...
Buubuu Mario (Buzzing Mario) is a common Mario arcade-ride hybrid game released only in Japan by Banpresto. Very little is known about it and can only be assumed through video play...
Become an employee at a pet shop, interacting with dogs and cats while selling pet products. The player will take good care of the pets so that they meet their wonderful owner.
Japan-only sequel to My Pet Shop.