“Eye Can See You” is an otome horror game that follows a girl with psychic abilities that allows her to see spirits. As she enters a new school, she finds spirits residing in her s...
A life-risking journey to the Underworld.
A fantasy visual novel set in a magical world of chess. Gameplay consists mainly of decision making and chess puzzles that represent what is happening in the story. There is a begi...
A visual novel about trainwrecks, trysts & treason. Roadtrip across the country to take down a tyrant. Befriend, torment, woo or wingman your party. Decide who you want to be. And...
The second installment in the Sunday morning anime x casual difficulty side-scrolling anime game series Kokoro Clover! Five new scenarios with new characters and new stages have be...
Now included in the Story Jar app. “Who’s Guilty Alice... Are you talking about me?” When I open my eyes, I find myself standing in a defendant’s seat. At the moment I am about to...
Clover no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World is the second installment in the Heart no Kuni no Alice series and the direct sequel to Heart no Kuni no Alice. It was originally re...
Shinsouban Heart no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ is the 2nd remake of Heart no Kuni no Alice. Remade with Fujimaru Mamenosuke's art (Diamond artist). This game also had a...
Shinsouban Clover no Kuni no Alice Wonderful Wonder World is a remake of Clover no Kuni no Alice released for the PSP with new artwork by Fujimaru Mamenosuke.
Continuation of Shinigami Kagyou: Kaidan Romance.
A sequel to Shirahana no Ori - Hiiro no Kakera 4 with four seasonal stories: Song of Spring, Summer Festival, Autumn Harvest and Winter Snowflakes.
Alice is once again in Clover no Kuni and she goes through the looking glass to find herself once again in the Country of Diamonds, with no recollection of any of the events that h...
Radical Dreamers is the little-known sequel to the popular and critically acclaimed Chrono Trigger. Unlike Chrono Trigger and the other games in the Chrono series, Radical Dreamers...
Xblaze Code: Embryo - японский визуальный роман и приквел к серии файтингов BlazBlue. Действие игры разворачивается за 150 лет до событий в BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. Игрок берет...
Визуальный роман с несколькими концовками, действие которого разворачивается в мире фантазий. Enigma - это мистический визуальный роман, в котором вы открываете секреты Enigma, вс...
An Otomate developed visual novel for the PlayStation Portable.
Oz is a girls' dating simulation visual novel moblie video game told from the prespective of Dorothy Gale as she dates male characters loosely based on the Oz series. After the jo...
Harness your child-like imagination to interact with the pop-up book, “The Little Witch”. Explore the book's world and help the protagonist, the little witch, Abigail, as she's pur...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru: Shinjitsu to Gensou no Nocturne is a remaster of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru for the Playstation 3 by Alchemist. It was released in Japan on Decemb...
In Demon Quest '85 you play an ordinary, everyday kid with ordinary, everyday problems. You also have a magical book for summoning demons from the lowest circles of Hell so that th...