In 1949, The Chinese Civil War rages on. To escape the war, students from Shandong led by their teachers began making their way to the islands of Penghu, a distant and unfamiliar l...
Mamiya is a captivating, dark visual novel in which a group of young men struggle against existential dread before the end of the world.
Set after the normal route in Arabian’s Lost where you win the bet but don’t get a husband. Eileen finds herself forced to act as ruler after her parents take off one day on a trip...
Majo'ou was released in 2014 for the PSP.
Hyakki Yakou: Kaidan Romance was released in 2012. It is the second game in the Kaidan Romance series. The Kaidan Romance games are split into three sets of games set in the same...
Every choice you make will change your story. Every small choice will change your relationships with comrades, and change your fate and those of your comrades at critical moments....
A story of love and friendship, and about understanding not just how to be happy, but how to be human.
In this fantasy visual novel, you will play as Miyuri, the heiress of the great Bakuto clan of adherents to ancient martial arts. She has inherited a very important ability from he...
Based on the universe of Guns of Icarus, All is Fair in Dust and Air is a visual novel that follows the adventures of a young man about to set out on his own during the Age of Air.
Train a group of misfits. Put on a holiday play. Be awesome. Or ruin capitalism forever. That's also awesome.
You are an Unholyc, a race born between a human and a devil. As befitting of a descendent of the mighty devil himself, you are equipped with the power to charm and seduce others to...
Akanesasu Sekai de Kimi to Utau (茜さすセカイでキミと詠う) or Reciting With You in the Glowing Red World is a Japanese smartphone app game produced by GCREST.
An ambitious life sim about the parts of the immigrant experience everyone pretends to forget. Play as a group of four contemporary immigrant teenagers squatting in a World War II...
Infocomics game produced by Infocom in the Zork Universe. A follow up to ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth Castle.
Angel Profile is an Adventure game created by Jinx.
Despite the chains around your wrists, this story is yours. You are the decision-maker. Freedom reaches out to you : you shall rise.
Here is where a heavy heart asks for rest. Jackie Huang learns more about the clients that carry a heavy past who frequent the shop for a little sleep therapy. This 4-month project...