Sakura Taisen Monogatari: Mysterious Paris is a side story that takes place shortly before Sakura Wars 4 and was released for the Playstation 2 on March 18, 2004 in Japan and Taiwa...
A world blanketed by everfalling ash. Humanity faces its inevitable end due to the Convergence of the Aukeran Sea and twelve otherworldly Calamities. This is the story of Velour Tw...
Invisible Wings is a narrative adventure game that takes the player on a journey in a dystopian fantasy setting. Follow Dawn, a young woman of faerie descent, as she tries to find...
A sequel of Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea from Kogado Studio(Kumasan Team). Set in the Neosphere kingdom that fly in the air by ancient E technology. Neosphere kept going to ruin af...
Shinigami Kagyou: Kaidan Romance was released in 2013. It is the fourth game in the Kaidan Romance series. The Kaidan Romance games are split into three sets of games set in the s...
A port for PSP.
A dark fantasy roguelike shoot-em-up with lots of bullet hell featuring cute pixel art, visual novel interludes, and story-driven gameplay. Join Shirley in her journey to learn mag...
Сколько кому-либо известно, существа, называемые марионетками, действовали на службе неизвестной силы, незаметно манипулируя ходом истории. Однажды Хадзиро Мина случайно сталкивает...
12 Ji no Cinderella's sister game, featuring Rosalia, Odette's warm and impulsive stepsister. When her stepfather dies in a carriage accident, it’s discovered that he had lots of d...
Welcome to Fujisawa Academy – an educational institution where nothing is as it seems and every pupil hides a dark secret. Having made a pact with a demon fox - and bestowing you w...
This 8bit game is a port from a mystery source...This casual, linier, interactive story game centers around a campfire with old friends telling... tales.
Alternative version of Harutoki 3, contains new endings and new routes for Shirogane and ending for Taira no Tomomori.
Fandisk to Oumagatoki by QuinRose.
When The Night Comes is an episodic fantasy otome game with supernatural elements. You are a Hunter, and you've been called to the quiet town of Lunaris to assist the local Enforce...
Star Melody: Yumemi Dreamer is a rhythm video game / visual novel developed and published by Kogado Studio.
Angelique Maren no Rokukishi is one of the collaboration projects between Ruby Party and Otomate, two well-known developers in the otome game genre. It was first announced at their...
Drastic Killer is an otome game, developed by Tenky and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2008.
Kotachi Asterio wants to help people that can’t fight for themselves. But, he isn't some sort of superhero- he can just see things other people can't. During the day, he goes to hi...