Akasaka Mamoru, a detective is sent to Hinamizawa to rescue Inukai Toshiki, the grandson of a government official, who is taken hostage. While waiting for Makino, he meets a younge...
Sonozaki Shion escapes from her private school to return to Hinamizawa. During her time there, she meets Satoshi, who protected her from a group of thugs.
Is the curse really real? This chapter presents the events from another view, which reveals additional information about Rena's past and Keiichi's reasons for moving to Hinamizawa...
The final arc in the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai series. It is mostly told from the viewpoint of Rika Furude, as well as her other friends.
Furude Rika is in an altered state of reality. Around her, various prisms float and circulate her. As she examines them, she mentions that they are fragments from the various Junes...
Meet Lucia. You're probably wondering how she- okay, okay - you're probably not wondering that. She certainly is though; she tends to do it far too much. Today, she's had a funny...
Explore an interactive drama full of interesting characters Continue the adventures of the Utsugi Detective Agency with the return of familiar characters—including the returning p...
Действие происходит в 1956 году, Рейджи расследует серию странных преступлений, которые происходят вокруг женской академии, которая может быть причастна к убийству его жены. Кро...
A beautiful stranger appears at your doorstep. Will you let her in? Dive into an erotic nightmare and decide the fates of those around you in this free mystic thriller visual novel...
Two original short stories told using characters and settings from The House in Fata Morgana.