Kokoro no Doki Doki Senpai revolves around the player, aptly named “Player-kun” on his journey to acquire pantsu and love during his third year at Sakura Blossom Academy. Along the...
A port of Love Drops: Miracle Doukyo Monogatari for PlayStation 2. It censors the erotic content and adds new scenes and cg's.
A remaster of the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, released exclusively as part of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy bundle.
Muv-Luv Photonmelodies is one of two side-story collections in the Muv-Luv series of visual novels released in 2014, the other being Photonflowers*.
Визуальный роман / игра-симулятор о жизни, любви и работе в индустрии развлечений. Играйте за визажиста Сиан Гудин, которая ориентируется в мире шоу-бизнеса. Заводите друзей, налаж...
Спустя семь лет Юкинари Санада вернулся в свой родной город в префектуре Канагава, город Камакура, но что-то кажется... другим. И он, и его младшая сестра Рикка перевелись в Академ...
Решайте пикроссы, встречайтесь с супергероями-головоломками и спасайте положение! Симулятор свиданий встречает головоломку picross в этом приключении романтической комедии.
When a young alchemist apprentice is unwillingly bound to an illegal spirit, they suddenly find themselves tied up in a war between humanity and magic, and must join a group of unl...
Hakushaku to Yousei: Yume to Kizuna ni Omoi Hasete is an otome game released in Japan in 2009.
Shall we date?: Magic Sword is the first ever western fantasy created by shall we date series based on the legendary King Arthur. Let the Magic Sword transport you as a princess an...
In this world corporations control even the most basic human necessities. Betrayed by the calculated cruelty of an evil corporation, Josephine finds herself homeless, jobless and w...
One mysterious death in the forsaken of God and man tiny peaceful kingdom… Was the King death-sick? Murdered by a conspirator? Cursed? Can you solve the mystery of his death withou...
Doki x Doki Sasete!! is a visual novel for the Game Boy Color.
Starry Sky: After Autumn is a sequel to Starry Sky: In Autumn, continuing after the normal ending in the original game.
As a self-proclaimed loner, joining a school club is the last thing you’d want to do. That is, until a teacher forces you to join one. Not just any club, but a club where you get t...
Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death is a visual novel and game made for the Nintendo 3DS. It features an original story which takes place before the 57th Exterior Scouting M...
Visual novel about the one man Lovely Smile Committee, and its search to find examples of pure love.
Explore the everyday life in Mara through unique tales in this slice of life visual novel. Step into the shoes of a diverse cast and get to know the struggles and desires of the in...
Следуйте за Аской Осачи; взбалмошной девушкой, готовящейся стать медсестрой в Школе медсестер Тейто. Познакомьтесь с историей ее и ее одноклассников, когда они открывают для себя л...
Japanese Visual Novel about a student in an Augmented Reality world.
Infinite Stars is a science fiction series played as an interactive visual novel. It is meant to give humanity hope in the current time of fear and uncertainty. It is meant to make...