In Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son players assume the role of Phil Connors Jr., the son of Phil Connors from the iconic film, who returns to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania only to...
The Timeless Child is a 2-player puzzle-adventure coop game with first-person view. Start an exciting and engaging adventure, a tale about family, bonds and secrets. You will expl...
Judas is an atmospheric psychological horror experience. Accidentally trapped in an apartment complex, you face dark paranormal events that push you to escape as fast as possible;...
A mystery visual novel about six students forced to play a 12-hour long killing game.
Class Escape is a puzzle game with five different rooms to discover and solve. Only by solving one room can you enter the next room. You will be going from the normal classroom to...
Шерлок Холмс: Немезида отправляет нас в Лондон 19 века, где Арсен Люпен, молодой французский грабитель с впечатляющим послужным списком, только что бросил вызов Скотленд-Ярду и сам...
I Am Dead is a charming puzzle adventure game from the creators of Hohokum and Wilmot’s Warehouse about exploring the afterlife.
Alan Sharp is a First Person mystery horror story-driven video game, focused on exploration, survival, puzzles and open-world investigation. Get into the shoes of Alan Sharp, a pr...
Just so there’s no temporal confusion, “It’s Time” is a classic point and click adventure game, that focuses on Time Travel. As the lead operative in a shadowy government organizat...
The tenth Cube Escape follows the story of detective Dale Vandermeer who finds himself trapped in two different universes and needs to escape. Cube Escape: Paradox will be released...
Jenny LeClue - это приключенческая игра, ориентированная на исследование сюжета, с запоминающимися персонажами, уникальной эстетикой и эпической запутанной тайной. Дженни - блестя...
Come along with Mortimer on a ghostly seek-and-find adventure! Hunt the halls of the Beckett family mansion in search of mysterious hidden objects and solve a series of brain-bend...
Suddenly the so called doppelganger incident occurred in a usually peaceful school, causing the members of the occult research department to begin an investigation about the conspi...
Случай недоверия - это повествовательная мистерия из Сан-Франциско 1924 года. Играйте за частного детектива Филлис Кейденс Мэлоун в этой исторической 2D приключенческой игре. Иссле...
Case Closed: The Mirapolis Investigation (also known as Case Closed: One Truth Prevails) is based on the ongoing manga and anime Detective Conan, released internationally as Case C...
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime is the second installment in the casual hidden-objects adventure game series developed by Brave Giant, specialized in this very genre.
Steampunk Paris, set against the background of the late 19th century, torn between tradition and modernity. Class differences and pervasive racism finally lead to a tragedy. A year...
The Shapeshifting Detective - это сверхъестественная нуар-детективная игра FMV, в которой вы играете за детектива, который может превращаться в других персонажей, позволяя вам откр...
Filament - это непринужденная, богатая сюжетом и полностью рассказанная игра-головоломка, в центре которой - решение наборов кабельных головоломок во время исследования, казалось б...
The Inner Friend features a rich visual environment, supported by an immersive soundscape and a cinematic soundtrack enhancing immersion and emotional moments. Movement, imagery, a...
Murder in the Alps is a game like no other. It's a fully interactive crime novel inside of a game's shell. This artistic marvel brings you back to the 1930s, when every man is a ge...
Inter-Dimensional Espionage. Inter-Dimensional... because you can warp into the body of a living thing in this or any other dimension. Espionage... because there are good guys and...
Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice - это приключенческая игра с видом от первого лица, в которой нужно указывать и щелкать мышью. Игрок - Нэнси Дрю, и ему предстоит разгадать тайну...
Rhem is an adventure game in which the player explores a barren, maze-like landscape of water ponds, walkways, and brick buildings with the aid of a partial map. The game has sever...
Откройте для себя прекрасные инопланетные миры, усеянные древними технологиями и таинственными руинами, которые напоминают о давно минувших временах.
Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond is a thrilling tale set in 1930s America. The game tells the story of Dawn Harlock, an unusual red-eyed woman, who must return to her family es...
Unsolved Case is the free prequel to the popular cooperative point-and-click puzzle game 'Cryptic Killer' series. Dip your toes in and go back to where it all began as you team up...
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