Clawstar Wrestling follows the story of Elijah, a small-time wrestler with a big problem by the name of Tremor. His weekly routine of losing to the antagonistic heel is starting to...
After being kidnapped by a wolf-like alien, a man from Earth finds himself caught up in the messy political affairs of a race that has recently lost its emperor.
The PlayStation 2 version of Friends: Seishun no Kagayaki includes improved graphics, a new CG opening, and a new world map. It also features two additional female characters.
A second release of the PS2 port of Dousoukai: Yesterday Once More / Friends: Seishun no Kagayaki, now with a Cero 15 rating.
Welcome to Lessons in Love, an ongoing adult dating sim about a class of 20 students trying to make their way through life. Take over as their teacher and build relationships with...
Removes sexual content. Adds two routes.
Deputy head of the UFO study club wasn’t prepared for what the inspection of club’s property will bring. The long-awaited summer break has to be postponed until Kurt finds the lost...
Sakura no Toki: Sakura no Mori no Shita wo Ayumu is a sequel to Sakura no Uta.
In Kyushu, there lies the small village of Sunomura. In that small village, four childhood friends, Touma Takumi, Ogami Ritsuko, Amamiya Kanon, and Takanashi Mio comprise a small m...
Shangrlia is a turn-based tactical game. The ten female commanders reside in the castle and can be approached in any order. Each of them transfers the player to a different locatio...
In Search of the Lost Future is set in Uchihama Academy (内浜学園, Uchihama Gakuen) and with the number of new students at the school increasing every year, a new school building i...
Love, Elections, & Chocolate is a romance visual novel that puts the player in the shoes of a male student named Yuuki Oojima. The game is mostly driven by dialogue, with a limited...
A short 20-30 minute fully voiced Girl x Girl visual novel, where you come in contact with your crazily cute childhood friend. May include some disturbing depictions including bloo...
Wake up! says the voice, and you open your eyes in a strange cabin in the woods with only a vague recollection of the life you've left behind. Despite appearances, you know that so...
Kakyuusei is a 1996 PC-98 adventure dating sim where the protagonist must date (obviously) a girl or two or a dozen. It was ported to many platforms and has never been localized in...
An upscaled version of Love, Election & Chocolate, now supporting 16:9 and resolutions up to 4K.
The story of Snow starts when the main protagonist Izumo Kanata visits a small village called Ryujinmura (village of the dragon god) to help his cousin Tsugumi manage a local hotel...
This is the debut and the only title by Syangrila Smart. It tells the story from several perspectives but there are two main protagonists: Norifumi, a guy who has been taking pictu...
To Heart is a romance visual novel and the third entry into the Leaf Visual Novel Series, in which you play a high school student named Fujita Hiroyuki and try to win the heart of...
People used to call such unfathomable abilities superpowers. Through the discovery of a certain particle during the end of the 20th century, however, the mystery surrounding these...