Port of Hakuoki Reimeiroku for the PS Vita with new CGs. Years before the beginning of Hakuouki, the Shinsengumi was known as the Mibu Roushigumi. A wandering young man named Ibuk...
Shin Hisui no Shizuku: Hiiro no Kakera 2 is an otome game created by Idea Factory and is one of the sequel games of Hiiro no Kakera. The game is the remake of the Hisui no Shizuku:...
Full on the box art title: Vitamin X to Z: All Supplement Boys have become complete.
An exciting love simulation game for girls! It's the ultimate romance game/otome game for ladies who love handsome guys!
Ever since she could remember, Akitsu Shino has had the ability to see what others could not: spirits, apparitions, and indescribable creatures. As an adult, this talent leads her...
Otome game for the PlayStation Vita.
Included in the Story Jar app. Your rich uncle has suddenly passed away! You're going to inherit a share of his will, including the famous Water Lily estate. Together with three o...
PS2 otome game inspired by a Manga Walker series.
Congratulations! You're the winner of a 20 million dollar jackpot! With this money, you will destroy the hotel that corrupted your father and return his wedding ring that he had pa...
Another Vocaloid visual novel from Supplement Time. This one was released at Comiket 76.
Fortissimo is a Japanese otome visual novel. The protagonist Fujisaki Futaba is a university student who had no interest whatsoever in idols… until she got a job at James Entertain...
The world’s sexiest pianist has just asked you to be his fiance! But there’s gotta be a catch… right?
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder is an otome game by Voltage Inc. You are a maid at Japan's first casino hotel where you stumble onto it's dark secret, the black market auctions, and e...
Your Memory's Off: Girl's Style is PSP and PS2 visual novel. Unlike most Memories Off games, this is an otome game with female protagonist.
AnotherSky allows players to view the narrative from one of the three main rival schools introduced in the third title.
This is a world in which status and occupation are all determined by the month of birth. At the eastern end of the country of Temirana, about fifteen years ago, a baby with a bruis...
Kinema Mosaic takes place one year after the original Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku.
From the world renowned visual novel studio Key, the highly rated story of CLANNAD is now available on Steam! Improved visuals, achievement integration, and Dangopedia make this th...
Port of Hakuoki Reimeiroku for the PS3. Years before the beginning of Hakuouki, the Shinsengumi was known as the Mibu Roushigumi. A wandering young man named Ibuki Ryuunosuke fall...