In “The Pillar,” players will venture into the game’s newest challenge tomb known as Path of Huracan to discover the truth behind the legend of the Maya apocalypse. To reclaim an a...
Trespasser is a PC game released in 1998. Set one year after the events of the 1997 film The Lost World: Jurassic Park and published alongside the film's home video release. The p...
V. O. D. K. A. is a survival shooter in the open world, the game takes place in a fictional state in eastern Europe, most of the territory of which is infected with radiation. Your...
Alone in the Dark is a reboot of the original game and the fifth installment of the series. It features a new storyline and characters while still maintaining the core elements of...
Enemy Zero was the second game to star the digital character Laura Lewis—the first being D. In E0, gameplay sequences alternate between interactive FMV and real time exploration,...
From kickstarter: The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human is a metroid-vania styled action/adventure game where you play as the navigator of Argo 9, a spaceship/submarine hybrid, t...
Rokh is a futuristic survival game, deeply rooted in scientific and realistic anticipation, where players will have to work together to overcome the numerous threats they will have...
Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 - игра в жанре survival-horror, выпущенная эксклюзивно для PlayStation 2 и являющаяся продолжением Resident Evil Outbreak, которая изначально задумыв...
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is a third-person shooter and is a spin-off of the long-running Resident Evil series. Unlike the main games in the series, it is less of a sur...
In a ferocious Arctic storm, distress signals are sent from a mysterious Russian whaler. As leading Coast Guard veteran Tom Hansen, you board to investigate — and discover unthinka...
Forged in the Beginning and protected by the Seven Seals, there lies a place where thought and creation intertwine. The center for all realms of existence, it is the balancing forc...
Metalands is a first person shooter game set in a post-apocalyptic world. The player takes on the role of a bunker manager. The role of the player is to protect the bunker and the...
Experience “The Serpent’s Heart” DLC and endure the mighty Slayer’s Gauntlet in an attempt to save the lives of loyal rebels. Lara must infiltrate an enemy fortress to stage a dari...
In her DLC debut, Lara must brave the lava-flooded Forge of the fallen gods to uncover the secrets of Kuwaq Yaku. Throughout her journey, she will uncover details about a friend’s...
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - это 3D-приключение на выживание в космической песочнице с открытым миром. Стройте могучие корабли, грозные космические станции и обширные планетарные...
Experience the horrors of being the one supposed to be in control amidst seemingly unsalvagable chaos. You are a leader of Foxtrot Unit 1 Nine-Tailed Fox, a highly trained force t...
Телевизионная команда из Америки приезжает, чтобы исследовать и снять разоблачение городского мифа о Хануде, исчезнувшей деревне, где, как говорят, происходили человеческие жертвоп...
Piggy: Hunt is a fast-paced survival horror multiplayer game. Survivors must work together to survive and escape from the Infected.
Tactical survival inspired by WWII. The action is guaranteed from the first moment. You will start out as a civilian forced to seek resources to survive, you will be able to join a...
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s new DLC, a ferocious deity threatens the lives of innocent San Juan villagers. To save them, Lara will battle a deadly group of mercenaries in order...
The Riftbreaker is a base-building, survival game with Action-RPG elements. You are an elite scientist/commando inside an advanced Mecha-Suit capable of dimensional rift travel. Ha...
Farlight ’84 is set in a post-apocalyptic world where a zombie cyber-infection has spread across the population. The majority of the human race is now known as “zomborgs,” which ha...
You wake up on a spaceship, dazed and confused from the effects of cryosleep, and begin to search for the rest of the crew. Where could they have gone? All too suddenly, you discov...
Tunguska: The Visitation is a top-down survival horror that brings you to the perilous Tunguska Exclusion Zone, where you'll face deadly traps, infectious mutants, bandits, and wel...
Side Bullet is a free-to-play, side scroll online shooting game. Choose your cartel and use special skills and weapons to battle monsters and other players to be the last one stand...
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D - это стелс-экшн для Nintendo 3DS. Это переиздание Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Игра была выпущена 21 февраля 2012 года в Северной Америке и 8...
A sandbox game based on Ark: Survival Evolved developed by Snail Games (licensed by Studio Wildcard). Enter a world of mystery, danger, ancient dinosaurs, mythical beasts, and cub...
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