Join the Spirit Summoner, Treffy, in this side-scrolling action-platformer in the style of a Sunday morning anime TV show. In part 1, Treffy begins her story with Spirit friends an...
Set two and a half years after the events of the classic Naruto series, Naruto fans are introduced to older characters as the storyline advances and unfolds with copious plot twist...
Kandria is a challenging 2D platformer and hack & slack action RPG, all steeped in mysterious lore just waiting to be discovered. Solve challenging puzzles, defeat hordes of enemie...
No Longer Human is a high-energy cybergoth action fvck-em-up with expressive, freeform combat that encourages aggressive, stylish play. Set in the near future, brain-computer inter...
Unbreakable... Unstoppable... Uncontrollable... It's Wolverine in ADAMANTIUM RAGE! Armed with an arsenal of slashing combat moves, the lone X-Man battles his way from the Weapon X...
Tapir, an enigmatic blue wizard in spotted pajamas from the Dream World, sends the player on a quest to rescue princess Rua. But things quickly become more complicated and the play...
Help Charlie getting out of his own nightmares! Clash of Puppets is a 3D hack'n'slash platformer, featuring classic b-movie style settings and characters. Adventure through 3 world...
Continuing directly from where Spark the Electric Jester 2 left off, Join Spark on his mission to overthrow his rival once again. Blaze through fast action packed stages and experi...
This patch makes several changes to Dawn of Sorrow so that you can complete the game without needing to use the touch screen for anything.
A sidescrolling action game by Taito, released to arcades in 1985. Unusual in that the player character was female.
A Master System side-scrolling platformer set in a fantasy version of feudal Japan featuring multiple paths to explore and crazy, potbellied monkeys to kill.
Top Hunter Roddy & Cathy - экшн с боковой прокруткой, выпущенный SNK в 1994 году. Используя 2-линейную систему с передней и задней линиями, которые можно свободно переключать, прыг...
Knightczech is an hardcore adventurous 2D platformer in which the player explores various corners of kingdoms in the dangerous world of Euritia - from sun-drenched forests through...
Dark 3D (1-axis camera) platformer - beat-em-up with profound fighting system and unusual graphics.
Famicom Mini: Makaimura is a Game Boy Advance video game released in 2004 by Nintendo. It is a remake of Capcom's Famicom game Ghosts 'n Goblins, and little to no alterations were...
Ascendant is the unforgiving beat 'em up that challenges you with a new world each time you play. It utilizes a number of modern roguelike elements such as permadeath and procedura...
Side-scrolling 2D hand-drawn brawler inspired by Double Dragon, Streets of Rage and Devil May Cry.
Unsung Warriors is a 2D action-adventure game. The game can be played solo or in couch co-op mode. Enjoy beautiful handcrafted levels. Fight against ferocious enemies and discover...
Take on the role of a young rescue officer starting her career. Armed with a trusty axe and high-pressure fire hose that also acts like a jetpack, Firegirl responds to emergency ca...
- Iconic ASW characters remixed in 8-bit pixel art! Characters from all the iconic Arc System Works franchises, including Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, and the River City series, all meet...
Famicom Mini: Balloon Fight is a Game Boy Advance video game released in 2004 by Nintendo. It is a remake of the Famicom game Balloon Fight, and little to no alterations were made...
The Ninja Warriors is a side-scrolling action game released by Taito in 1987. Control the cyborg-ninjas, ninja and Kunoichi, as you take down the Demon King, Banglar. Defeat the on...
SkyScrappers is a classic arcade-style, vertically scrolling, competitive platform-fighting game. Select from a diverse range of extreme sportspeople, to fight and race your way to...
A stylish & exciting action game! Journey through medieval Japan, rendered in beautiful pixel art, to reach the moon and defeat Mother Kaguya!
An action survival game where you will craft weapons to survive waves of slime monsters.
The first in the Karlson series of games this was a 2D game created by programming Youtuber Dani as part of the 2019 Mix and Game Jam. The game is a 2D side-scrolling game with the...
Standard side-scrolling fighter based off of the Stallone film of the same name. Sly must fight thugs and the elements as he tracks down suitcases of stolen cash dropped around the...
You are the Phantom, searching for the evil Rebecca Madison in the vast city of Metropia. As head of Maximum, Inc., she will stop at nothing to fulfil her twisted plans to control...