Little Goody Two Shoes is an tactical narrative RPG that tells the story of Elise, an ambitious girl stuck in a village too small for her big dreams. In this village of Kieferberg...
A surrealistic and spiritually provocative experience. Explore the ruins of a temple filled with puzzles, riddles, and secrets. Follow the Story of the Matriarch: a prophetess whos...
You are the legendary monster hunter on a mission to survive the slaughter through the Dead Kingdom. Armed only with a trusty crossbow and old-fashioned trench coat, you have to re...
Dinner with an Owl is a creepy yet funny point and click adventure. It's about the eccentric, not unconditionally human host Franz Brown and his involuntary guests. Help them to le...
Based on the video board game of the same name. You must escape the undead realm of the Gatekeeper and avoid your worst nightmare. A prototype of Atmosfear (also known as NightMare...
A platformer in which the player controls Arthur, the neck-bearded hero, in a quest to save his village from an evil force. With an earth-shattering explosion, horror from anoth...
Almost my floor - classic point&click adventure with horror atmosphere. Alex (main character) is a simple man who lives a simple life. But one day everything will change. Is he act...
Doll Shop is an adventure game based on the Japanese countryside. It is half romance, half horror. The Doll Shop will let you choose your fate. But maybe you're already doomed...
Blind Boris is a survival horror about a blind person. The character arrives to the hospice and a week later strange things begin to happen in him. Staff disappears, terrible sound...
Castlevania appeared in Mushroom Kingdom. Help Mario explore the castle and stop whoever is behind this. Features: -mix of Castlevania and Mario -huge, exploreable world with map...
A century of relative peace (as far as peace goes in medieval times) is about to come to a shocking end. Once again, the screams of the undead are heard in the night as they hail t...
Can you find all 100 pumpkins in this interconnected world? If you do, you will be rewarded based on how many lives you had to use! in 100 Pumpkins, you play a scarecrow trying to...
In the 13th century, the Cathars, clerics who preached about the poverty of Christ and defended life without material aspirations, were treated as heretics by the Catholic Church a...
Haunted Castle is an action game released by Konami in 1988. Player will take on the role of Simon who travels to Dracula's demonic castle in order to save his fiancé who is kidnap...
Castlevania: Chorus of Mysteries is a hack of the original Castlevania for NES. This hack features new GFX, levels and level paths, music (& on the title screen), enemies, and boss...
A pixel art, arcade, platformer, challenging game where the enemies are generated by the player.
Super Metroid: Lost World has a new planet, new enemies, huge areas… A must know wall jump and a mid-air morph. It's a game for all players with a mid level difficulty.
The Fall of Gyes is a sci-fi visual novel series with stunning cinematic quality and an intriguing story inspired by classic sci-fi horror movies like The Thing, Aliens or Promethe...
'The Shadows That Run Alongside Our Car' is a visual novel about two strangers driving down an open highway in an apocalyptic scenario.
Super Metroid Polarity is an exploration romhack where black & white will be the main colors you will see ! Explore a contaminated planet where it draws its energy from gravity. Co...
I crashed land on a strange planet due to the failure of the spacecraft, and Power Suit was completely damaged after impact. So, I had to explore this strange planet. With custom m...
Metroid: Falling is a Super Metroid ROM hack with a heavy focus on exploration.
Get pulled into the nightmares of reality as you play as an abducted girl from the ger district of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Uncover a secret organization which deals in human traffic...
D1896 is an action adventure platformer in the style of the early horror movies, inspired specifically by Le Manoir Du Diable, the first horror movie ever made (it was released in...
Discover/smash your way in the metroidvanian anxious mind of Pilo’s with creepy monsters and creatures. Reveal the emotional story through flashbacks and exploring the mysterious h...
This is Super Metroid, but upside down. Wall-jumping is necessary, and Infinite-bomb-jump is recommended. There are a few tweaks that were necessary, because turns out this game is...
I can't sleep. A cute and possibly a little bit scary puzzle platformer game. Move stickers to the right positions in order to get rid of the monsters and complete the sticker book...