Lightracer Spark is a Sci-Fi Narrative game. You are a reviser from a high civilization, descending to various extraterrestrial worlds. Guide all living beings to prosperity, or ni...
Empyreal Dawn is a Gothic Fantasy Adventure where you lead a party named Caeruleum. Together with your Swordsmaiden partner, Alice Starwell, undertake your first steps toward becom...
Megaton Musashi is set on Earth in the year 2118. The main characters pilot giant machines called “Musashi” to combat the Dorakuta, invaders from outer space that destroyed the pla...
Battle Goddess 2 or BG2 taken place around one year after events of first game. Although, it is the second game release with Battle Goddess title and third release in the series, t...
Do you want to experience an adult VN that many players and fans only could find the strength to play once? Then this is the game for you. Acting Lessons is packed with a rich stor...
A manor in the countryside stands resolute against the elements, protecting its occupants rain or shine. Henri and Julien, its vampiric occupants, aren't weathering so well, howev...
The wandering God-Slayer Serika, who's still searching for his purpose. The half-demon king of Menfill, Loui, who just won the war, but lost his wife in it. This is the story of tw...
Celica Sylphil, the immortal warrior known as the Godslayer, lives within the stolen body of the goddess Astraea. For this, he is hunted day in and day out; servants of the gods se...
Shangrlia is a turn-based tactical game. The ten female commanders reside in the castle and can be approached in any order. Each of them transfers the player to a different locatio...
In Yume, a girl went to the abandoned Dance Hall to record a program in a era of peace, but unfortunate thing happened. Through the deep reveal of obsolete items that can drive the...
Interactive story about two magi trying to survive a failed ritual. Learn from their deaths and untangle the mystery before you. Guide their actions as they come to terms with thei...
A visual novel about the end of the world with a focus on time management. Experience battles in original parallel turn-based strategy minigames or classic novel mode. Half of the...
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES is an add-on disc for Persona 3 containing updates to the original game (referred in the game as The Journey), as well as a new epilogue story, Th...
Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Key. Key later released versions of Tomoyo After without the erotic content. The story follows the...