Magical Warrior Diamond Heart is an in-progress otome visual novel created by Dreamy Pyon. This game is inspired by magical girl anime. Play as Valerie Amaranth and decide the fate...
A mysterious force of power transforms you and other highly attractive people in your area into superheroes and villains! TEXT, DATE and FIGHT your friends and enemies alike.
HuniePop - это симулятор знакомств для взрослых 2015 года выпуска / игра-головоломка матч-3, опубликованная и разработанная компанией HuniePot. Финансирование игры было собрано чер...
Unhappy with his life in Tokyo, Kazuma returns to his hometown in the Japanese countryside where he reconnects with four classmates. When the girls accidentally reveal that they ar...
Dragon Knight II is the predecessor to Knights of Xentar, the only Dragon Knight game that was ever translated into English. This is a first-person game that is mainly dedicated to...
My Lovely Wife delves into the depths of a man’s grief after the sudden death of his beloved wife. Explore the notions of one’s willingness to do anything for love and the importan...
Identity is a non-linear, horror/mystery visual novel with a plot based around the premise of self-rediscovery. You take on the role of Yarin Nyrok, a scalie fellow who wakes up wi...
9-nine- Episode 3 is the third volume in a series of supernatural mystery games, with Episode 3 telling a story centered around Haruka Kosaka. The entries in the the 9-nine- series...
It is an adventure game where you can enjoy a slapstick love harem play with laughter, tears, and a little H in a bar in a different world. The E-mote engine that can move illustra...
You wake up from a cold sleep upside-down in a tree. Watch out—It's the future. In a world destroyed by ineffable monsters with no hearts, but an iron will; in a society warped and...