A sequel to Ginsei no Shou and Tsukikage no Shou. This time, the story takes place in Kyoto, where the Shinsengumi were active in the past, and spins the story of their youth and m...
One day, a 'police murder' was commited. The dead police was a 'Frog Mystic'. Mystics are mysterious creatures, with the features of unique plants or animals. In the eyes of non-My...
You are running through a forest. It is late at night and the sky is as black as pitch. The trees which surround you, jutting out of the earth like eerie monuments to a foreign g...
Судьба, брошенная на произвол судьбы в безумном мире--- Пламя жизни, вспыхивающее в умирающем мире--- И теперь, еще одно будущее, которое вращается--- Это альтернативный финал, о...
The game begins with your character, whose family has just moved to the area, entering his new school for the first time. After class, you accidentally run into a conservative-look...
Суо Ширахане, застенчивая девушка с таинственным прошлым, начнет свой первый год в средней школе в Академии Святого Ангрекума, где она надеется найти новое начало. Она познакомится...
Mermaid Gothic was released in 2014 for the PSP.
Don't Give Up on Me! is a romance-comedy visual novel about a simple love confession going wrong in the most unpredictable, absurd and insane ways ever imagined. Experience five di...
Dōkyūsei is a seminal classic of the dating sim genre that first blew Japan's mind in 1992. This updated remake adds HD art, optional modern features, and for the first time ever,...
Awakening in a mysterious mansion, her first, frantic thoughts are: Where am I? And more importantly Who am I? She encounters several young men in the same predicament trapped and...
Air is the all-ages version of the Japanese visual novel developed by Key that follows the story of the life of Yukito Kunisaki, a traveling showman searching for the girl in the s...
You are an agent in the Federal Bureau of Research and Protection (FBRP). Your job is to protect mankind from various supernatural objects and events. As the player, you will enter...
Unique and beautiful attire and accessories Every story will have its own style that suits the world it's set in: ancient, modern, eastern, western, and more. Dramatic story-chang...
Штейнс;ворота: линейный ограниченный Phenogram/Phenogram линейных пресечения (Штейнс;ворота 線形拘束のフェノグラム Senkei Kousoku нет Phenogram?) это визуальный роман, выпущенный н...
Saint Spell's Love Guide to the Magical Student's Spellbook is a dating and friendship simulator of the famous magical conservatory, Saint Spell! In your first week of school, meet...
Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll: romanticism of the Eighties, mysteries and intrigues, betrayal and self-sacrifice, hatred and passion - all of this in the new game by the creators of the...
Yuriko, a noblewoman in the Taisho Era, has a big party on her birthday. She then discovers her father is trying to find her a rich husband at the party, but she doesn't want to ha...
You play as Anon, a lonely, faceless, nobody, reject who finds himself in the dinosaur themed acid trip of a school named Volcano High. Here Anon meets the qt ptero known as Fang a...
LovePretend is an otome visual novel for Nintendo Switch, developed by Idea Factory. Can Chiyuki draw up a script about fake lovers, while not knowing anything about falling in...
The story is set in the near future, in a corrupt city called Moebius, where the gap between rich and poor is growing bigger and bigger. The heroine is a ‘Hunter’, someone who has...
Отдаленный городок Окунезато имеет форму полумесяца и окутан мрачными мифами и легендами. Возьмите на себя роль отважной молодой женщины, отправляющейся в неизвестность, чтобы раск...
Un:Birthday Song: Ai wo Utau Shinigami - Another Record is an Adventure game, developed by honeybee+ and published by Asgard, which was released in Japan in 2017.