In this third installment of the Dan Dare series, players control the titular hero as he escapes Treen captivity on a scientific satellite orbiting Venus. Dan must navigate five le...
In Bakuretsu Muteki Bangai-O, a multi-directional shooter video game developed by Treasure, two young mech-pilots, Riki and his sister Mami share command of the powerful humanoid-s...
Rendering Ranger R2 is an action game developed by Rainbow Arts and published by Virgin Interactive in 1995 for the Super Famicom in Japan only. The game was slated to be released...
UFOs! Aliens! Aircrafts! Resistance! SHOOT 'EM UP! Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers is a spaceship shooter with 2D gameplay and 3D environment. Enjoy a smart combination of a fast-p...
Armed to the teeth, players begin as Neptune in an unworldly 8-bit space dimension ravaged by creatures who burst endless waves of bullets. Shoot, dodge, and defeat the boss in six...
Plazma Burst 2 is the sequel to Plazma Burst. In this game you play as a marine, who wasn't sent to the past successfully in order to change the history of mankind to a better life...
Darius is a two-dimensional horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up set in a fictional future. Uniquely among shoot 'em ups, the game's screen is three times wider than conventional si...
It's the most awesome machine of mass destruction ever to stalk your screen. Fitted with the most powerful twin cannons yet developed and a real mean attitude, the Walker has the d...
The player controls a constantly bouncing car while driving through various environments including a city, pyramid, and underwater. The height of the jump and speed of a fall can b...
A huge celebration at the World Robot Expo is shattered by the sight of a flying saucer streaking across the sky. But instead of holding little green men, this saucer holds one ver...
Быстро развивающийся 2D-шутер с боковой прокруткой, вдохновленный видеоиграми старой школы. Используйте широкий выбор инопланетного оружия, чтобы прорваться сквозь толпу врагов к с...
A challenging 2D block breaker featuring arcade elements and a modern spin on the popular retro game. Destroy data blocks and galactic enemies using only your probe, bullets and po...
Super Contra X is a pirate based off the Contra series, created by Chengdu Tai Jing Da Dong Computer Co sometime in the 1990's (likely in 1994).
A side-scrolling shooter game that is part of Banpresto's Compati Hero Series. The fifth Great Battle adopts a Western theme, with some stages inspired by Natsume's Wild Guns.
GunForce: Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island or simply titled as GunForce, is a side-scrolling action shooting game produced by Irem for the arcades in 1991. The game was later por...
- Пройдите через 6 этапов, покрытых градом пуль от непрекращающегося натиска врагов и заполняющих экран боссов. - Выберите для пилотирования один из 3 различных кораблей АИСТ, кажд...
The Guardians, a secret society wielding the power of the Force, have readied their tanks and intend on crushing the aspirations of the Hammerbolt Empire! This is an auto-scrolling...
Round Invaders is an action arcade game with a fresh take on the famous Invaders arcade. Now the enemies come in circles, rays and ovals! Enjoy the plopping sounds while saving the...
The sun of Alpha Ro is fading fast! Soon it will flicker out. The Cosmic Ark races to save creatures from doomed planets in that solar system. Meteor showers bombard the Ark, threa...
The city is besieged by wanted criminals, and as a police officer it is your duty to stop them. The first criminals in the wanted list can be stopped with your service weapon an so...
A.M.C.: Astro Marine Corps is a sideways scrolling shooter in which you control a member of the Astro Marine Corps who has to blast his way through the various alien infested level...
Commodore 64 - a Quicksilva Ltd joint from 1987
Knight Games 2: Space Trilogy is the sequel to Knight Games. Set in the year 3002, it consists of three different futuristic games: Combat Robot, In Orbit and Final Tournament....
A side-scrolling action/shooter based on the 1987 Schwarzenegger movie Predator. It was published by Activision for many home computers, though its NES incarnation plays slightly d...
Raimais is a maze chase arcade game released in April 1988 in Japan. The object of the game is to drive your vehicle around a maze in order to clear the maze of dots while avoiding...
A 2D plaformer by MP Soft. It was released in 1982 for the BBC Micro.
Save ducks from various hazards and lead them into a spaceship in order to transport them to the hungry people of Vexar VII.
Ailment - это пиксель-арт экшен, действие которого разворачивается на космическом корабле в далекой-далекой галактике. Главный герой очнулся на корабле после трехдневного бессознат...