Set in the Suikoden universe, the game closely follows the story of Suikoden II. The hero is a young member of the Unicorn Brigade of the Highland Army. One night, your camp is att...
Ogre is a 2D turn-based strategy game, and a direct computer conversion of Steve Jackson's board game of supertanks going against conventional infantry with howitzers. It plays exa...
In Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, the tide can turn at any moment as you and your opponent summon powerful monsters left and right and fill up your hands with countless draws. One minute you...
Catan - The First Island is a PC version of the game The Settlers of Catan by Klaus Teuber programmed by Funatics . It was published by Ravensburger in 1999 and allowed the game ag...
Billion Road отправит вас в путешествие по ряду реальных префектур и городов по всей Японии, и ваша цель - стать самым богатым игроком в игре. До 4 игроков могут соревноваться лока...
Get ready for demonic aliens, cyber-mechanical vehicles, and interplanetary chainsaw warfare! Doomtrooper is a digital adaptation of the physical card game by the same name. Play W...
Rush Royale is a tower defense game where the towers are replaced by mighty warriors and wizards! Fight in either PvP or Co-op and climb your way to the top!
Train themed board game featuring the Peachboy character from Japanese folklore.
CONTROL FANTASY RACES, SET OFF TO CONQUER NEW LANDS, OVERTHROW YOUR ENEMIES AND CLAIM THE VICTORY! In this digital adaptation of the legendary board game, dive into a world inhabit...
AI Shogi 3 is a Board game, developed by I4 and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released only in Japan.
Heck Deck is a bullet hell card game where all the bullets are cards and time only progresses as you move. Explore 5 stages full of unique enemies and bosses, discover dozens of ca...
This time, 50 giant bosses have taken over 50 cities in the United States (including recently-annexed Montreal). It's your job to cross the country, gathering troops to free the te...
Rogueria is a turn-based strategic combat game that focuses on the choice of various combinations and moments. You must collect and grow unfinished heroes, make the right choices f...
Hyokkori Hyoutanjima: Daitouryou wo Mezase! (ひょっこりひょうたん島) is a 1992 video board game by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive tying into the Hyokkori Hyoutanjima Japanese puppet...
Auto Chess Legends is a strategy game mixed with chess, that emphasizes fast and fluid gameplay: Auto fight across an 8x8 field chessboard using heroes as your game pieces. How you...
In this Table-top WWII Hex-strategy game, you get to lead your army to victory by conquering objectives in any strategy you find best.
One of the standard board games in the “SilverStar” Series of SilverStarJapan Our latest offering: the game of chess. The top-class “SilverStar” board game engine also plays outsta...
This is a game of building a deck of cards. The deck contains your resources, victory points, and the things you can do. It starts out a small collection of Estates and Coppers, bu...
Curses of Tarot is a single-player poker and Tarot themed deckbuilding card game with a variety of play modes, mini-games and challenges. Swap cards to create poker hands, plan you...
Auto Chess is the original auto battler game that had a significant worldwide influence with its brand new gameplay mode and strategic competitive features. It has also attracted t...
A hybrid of challenging turn-based strategy and customizable card collection gameplay set in a medieval fantasy universe. Campaigns Gather your armies, ready your spells and delv...
Battleship is an NES, Sega Game Gear and Game Boy video game based on the board game of the same name. Do you have what it takes to command your own fleet of six ships? Can you su...
Welcome to Mythgard, a fantasy cyberpunk CCG of heroes, gods, and mythical beasts. Master the unique lane and mana systems in your rise to the top or enjoy team play with a friend.
Yuuki & Islay Character Pack adds 2 new playable characters from developer Orange Juice's games - the hand-puppet wielder Yuuki and the free-spirited pilot Islay. The new character...
Solium Infernum is a challenging turn based strategy game based on the interaction of many simple concepts set in the profoundest depths of Hell.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards, it's just as important to play your cards right as it is to get the right cards. This unique RPG gives you cards as weapons against the tough competi...
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 is one of the World Championship game series, that released for 2008. Tournament dueling is back with the official software of Yu-Gi-Oh! World To...