Set in Gunjo Gakuin, a school specialized for those deemed by the government to be unfit for society, CROSS†CHANNEL follows the story of eight members of the school's Broadcasting...
Meet Sousuke. He's just your average student, living in a rural town. Ever since his father remarried when he was young, he's been living together with his little sister Nanaru. To...
Last Days of Spring is a YA (Young Adult) Otome Visual Novel following a group of high school seniors in their last week of school as they come to terms with questions about love,...
Shuyan Saga - это графический роман в жанре экшн от Wuxia с полноценной 3D-боевой системой и механикой выбора, которая позволяет вам помогать формировать историю. Скоро появится...
You have a problem: you're out of work, and the government is threatening to cut off your benefits. Don't worry- Oswald Mandias will help you. He'll help everybody. Once his dreams...
The Flower Shop is a dating and farming simulation game. Steve's life has just taken a downward turn. His grades from his first semester in college are dismal, his relationship wi...
A Clockwork Ley-Line: Flowers Falling in the Morning Mist is the third and last game of UnisonShift Blossom’s magical mystery visual novel series A Clockwork Ley-Line.
This game follows the story of its two protagonists: Kojirou Amagi and Marina Houjou, as they pursue the truth behind another mystery.
on the precipice of a reckoning
A short interactive story about Peppino Impastato and his life-long fight against Sicilian Mafia.
Nijuuei is a visual novel adventure game set in Japan in the year 1640 centering around Futatsu-kage Sougen, a swordsman who, for reasons unknown to him, holds host to an antagonis...
Cursed Angel is a new time travel and time manipulation strategy game. It's a game where you can choose between life or death, good or evil, to change your fate, your future and yo...
A young woman grows up on the shores of a lake and loves it as the gulls do, and is as happy and free as they are. But a man happens to come that way and destroys her, just because...
Anata o Yurusanai is a visual novel, which mainly consists of reading text and occasionally interacting with the development of the story. The game uses the PSP in a way it wasn't...
Does your eye see the stars? Visual Novel ADV Kaleidoscope Stella fighting with the fate of the stars Circle CHARON presents a large-scale latest work set in the universe. Peaceful...
Once upon a time, a lonesome Recluse wished for a daughter. A wandering witch overheard their wish, and instead granted them a pot of dirt with a strange, fungal, creature growing...
Dome-King Cabbage is a visual novel about a cloud-person named Mush nervously making their way to a job interview. Mush has to grapple with their ability to perceive the world thro...
genderfelt is a short interactive zine, in which you read the blog of young person called Anon, going through the process of discovering himself. It focuses on the issue of transme...
Finally, school is over! You are put in the place of a handsome but reclusive young man. It's been over half a year since you spoke to your childhood friend Sayori. One day, she un...
On a hot day reminiscent of summer vacation, Koume was hanging out as usual at her osananajimi Gorou’s place. Over the course of the summer, their sugar-sweet relationship unexpect...
An adventure game that follows two Japanese kids as they try to solve a mysterious bombing attack.
This Visual Novel tells the story of a dark journey in a broken world. The action takes place in the abandoned estate of the former Order called “Black Rose”. One day this estate...