The World Next Door is a narrative-driven, action adventure game that follows Jun, a rebellious teen girl trapped in a parallel world inhabited by magical creatures. Inspired by th...
Spend your teenage years on an alien planet in this narrative life sim with card-based battles. Explore, grow up, and fall in love. The choices you make and skills you master over...
Wild West Dynasty: Cowboys, Settlers & Gunslingers! Build your own ranch, provide food and wealth and soon more settlers will join you in your quest for happiness. Will you manage...
An RPG world with many H temptations!? Now is the time to carve out a new legend together with the characters who were changed when you played the game! Features Dark Knight (Anko...
On the retro-futuristic planet of Felmuria lives a little girl named Felicity Rue. Despite living in destitution, she dreams of becoming the most famous tap dancer in the galaxy! T...
Enid had a crush on her eccentric lady Olivia for as long as she can remember, but she'll rather die than admit it. One day, she's summoned to Olivia's study for an unclear reason....
Сваха Китти Пауэрс - это веселый симулятор свиданий с отличием. Управляйте своим собственным агентством по подбору партнеров под руководством вашего потрясающего босса, трансвестит...
Прикажите своим приспешникам разгадывать тайны и прикрывать скандалы в первоклассной школе-интернате, где конкуренция жестокая, а имидж - это все. Но будьте осторожны - один из ваш...
An investigation adventure in which the player, acting as an unnamed Japanese detective, is called to solve the murder of a bank executive by searching for clues, exploring differe...
An otome visual novel with RPG combat elements.
OPUS: Rocket of Whispers - это однопользовательское приключение от третьего лица, действие которого разворачивается в заснеженной постапокалиптической пустыне неизвестного мира, да...
A thoughtful and deeply personal narrative-title with stripped-down mechanics. The lack of dialogue or text allows you to fully immerse yourself in the chapters of four characters,...
Afterlove EP is a slice-of-life adventure about love, loss and music. Explore modern Jakarta as Rama in his journey to learn about himself, create music, find love and come to term...
Starry Sky: After Summer Portable is a port of Starry Sky: After Summer for the PlayStation Portable.
Врата Рая закрыты наглухо; царство Ада поглощено потопом. И вслед за ними один за другим исчезают бесчисленные параллельные миры. Выжившие ангелы и демоны собираются в городе, кото...
A reimagining of the Hakuoki series in a modern high school setting.
Loki Muspelheim, an exiled member of demon nobility strives for the throne of the Dark Lord who has wronged him. To succeed the throne and exact his revenge, he must obtain the hid...
This gripping paranormal horror adventure revolves around Hermitage, the sinister bookstore that attracts most unusual customers – all of whom seem to be involved in mysterious cas...
The Airs is a Japanese adventure RPG about a group of friends participating in sky racing tournaments.
It is 1192 in Kamakura period. Murdered by his brother Minamoto no Yoritomo, Minamoto no Yoshitsune revived from the dead by borrowing the power of youkai. As an herbalist, you ac...
Dayshift at Freddy's is a satirical visual novel game parodying the franchise Five Nights at Freddy's
Anniversary no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ is a remake of Heart no Kuni no Alice featuring redrawn CGs and new character routes. It was originally released on March 2010...
A otome game by Cybird.
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You’d told me, Hey, this is a one-time thing, and I said yeah, of course - Yet here we are.” ..who, exactly, am I waking up next to? A romance about a more-than-one-night stand;...
Tohno Shiki hears of a new series of murders in Misaki similar to the ones that took place in Tsukihime. Whilst searching for the murderer he meets Sion Eltnam Atlasia who initiate...