Inspired by the Italian culture and taking place in a western Fantasy setting, our visual novel introduces the story of Elisa, a beautiful owner of an inn, struggling with the amor...
A sequel to Liberation Maiden, although it sheds the three-dimensional shooting gameplay in favor of a visual novel approach. Liberation Maiden SIN follows the exploits of Kiyoto...
After Yuuji Kazami and the gang's battle to the death several years ago, new girls unite at Mihama Academy, which has been reinstated as a 'specialist training school'. The charact...
You and several others have passed away. Rather than being sent to Heaven or Hell, the powers that may be are unable to decide where you should go. You wake up in the Garden of Ed...
A visual novel for Nintendo Switch.
2083 AD. Akizuki High’s Superpower Club accomplishes their first victory and dominated the nationwide competition. However, the joy was only momentary. Due to a violent incident in...
An otome game for the PlayStation Vita, about a group of students at a magic user's academy.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Portable 2 covers Banquet of the Golden Witch and Alliance of the Golden Witch. It was released on November 17, 2011. Its cover features EVA-Beatrice and A...
Roadwarden is an illustrated text-based RPG that uses isometric pixel art and combines mechanics borrowed from RPGs, Visual Novels, adventure games and interactive fiction.
Королевство Новус было повергнуто в смятение, и вам решать, поможете ли вы установить мир или будете разжигать пламя хаоса. Окунитесь в мир высоких фантазий, пропитанный политическ...
A remake of QuinRose's earlier Crimson Empire otome game, featuring entirely new art.
Turn of the Golden Witch is the second arc in Umineko no Naku Koro ni. The arc follows Battler Ushiromiya and Beatrice as they battle over the existence of magic. This is the first...
Her entire clan wiped out years ago, Olympia has been isolated for much of her life. Now she must travel to Tenguu Island – the only person who can perform a ritual that will resto...
Ore-sama Quest was released June 23, 2006. It was released to run on windows XP and later had a patch released to allow it to run on Vista.
Second game in the Moon Observatory series (previously titled Magical Otoge). Anholly is the only person who lives in the freezing town of Solvalis. One day, she meets a dying ice...
A purgatory of forlorn memories.
Kamigami no Asobi: Ludere Deorum, abbreviated as KamiAso, is a Japanese otome game published by Broccoli (company). It was released in Japan on October 24, 2013 for the PlayStation...
L.G.S.: Shinsetsu Houshin Engi is a sequel to S.Y.K: Shinsetsu Saiyuuki by Otomate.
Neo Angelique is the fourth Neoromance entry and an alternate universe of the Angelique series. Character designs and illustrations were done by Kairi Yura. Maki Fujioka was the ch...
Stand and fight for a love 1,000 years in the making. Your once peaceful life is turned upside down when a mystic wand awakens your latent powers as an Onmyouji Diviner. Ayakashi...
The Secret Weapons DLC comes with a brand-new dunj, three new weapons-slash-love interests, and more.
This is my very first Visual Novel, Viridescent Dragon Chapter 1. (As this is a kinetic visual novel, it is straight-forward and you could just auto-play it like a movie if...
Sailors who get lost in the storm always follow the flames of a lighthouse. It is a shining beacon of hope that guides them through even the heaviest of rains.
Когда замкнутый фанат виртуальной реальности получает возможность провести бета-тестирование нейронного устройства, которое кажется более реальным, чем сама реальность, все, что он...
Close to the border of France there is a town called Blanc-Bourg. Each spring the Reve Traveling Amusement Park' comes into town. The protagonist Emma lives in Branbul and lead by...