The Uncertain is an episodic story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Experience the mysterious vibe of each of carefully explored locations, solve diverse puzz...
This game is about a cute pink alien called Chewy, who along with his partner Clint goes on a mission to break into the Borkian high security zone - F5. Their mission: to steal the...
This is the Game Boy Color version of the Nintendo 64 game Space Station Silicon Valley. It is a 2D game, instead of the 3D perspective of the original. The player controls Evo, a...
Agence places the fate of artificially intelligent creatures in your hands. Will you help to maintain their peaceful existence, or throw them into a state of chaos? A dynamic film...
Follow the zany adventures of the inhabitants of Terminal Land, a universe in the shell. Genre-bending experiences spanning spells and spaceships define this epic multiplayer exper...
Take on the role of the last robot courier and wade through a shattered empty world consumed by automation. Find out who the last package is for.
Что бы вы сделали, если бы оказались в ловушке на жуткой космической станции, где нет ничего, кроме компьютера? Вы играете за хакера Алекса и помогаете своему партнеру Сэму раскрыт...
Heart of the Alien is a sequel to Another World and continues the story directly from where the original ended. The game switches the player's role from Another World; this time th...
Another entry from a well-known simulation developer; Epic Astro Story delivers a fun, deep, and rewarding mobile experience.
Torn is a dark science-fiction mystery. Explore the abandoned mansion of Dr. Lawrence Talbot, an eccentric physicist missing for 64 years. Use the Gravity Tool to activate Talbot's...
The Drifter is a 2d point and click adventure in the classic style. Taking cues from the recent revival of the genre there is an emphasis on story, with puzzle solving being the gl...
A point-and-click game that follows Ana Eberling as she attempts to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.
Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative is a community-made mod for Portal 2, inspired by TAG! The Power of Paint. The familiar Portal 2 gels are now contained within the Ap...
Underground is a unique game that is a potential training tool for surgeons disguised as a puzzle game in which players guide a robot through dangerous mines.
Supreme Mechanics is a first-person puzzle game combining elements of social fiction, detective and horror with deep philosophical insight. The players will have to crack some grim...
Mousebound is an unforgiving game of unique controls, patience, and discovery.
A spacey classic adventure for all! Dexter Stardust: Adventures in Outer Space is a classic point and click adventure; you can walk, talk, and interact with everything in your surr...
You are going to steal a time machine. In this escape room, you have to travel through time, explore mysterious places and solve puzzles to get priceless treasures. Will you be abl...
Laraan is a Science-Fiction game about exploration in a desolate world. Created with a minimalist low poly style. Accompanied by a splendid movie soundtrack.
There's always room for improvement. Push your human tolerance to the limit with unique and challenging physic-sandbox platforming. Run on the walls. Jump off the ceilings. Swing t...
Those Who Came: Healing Solarus is a cooperative survival RPG where teamwork will become the key to saving planet Solarus from an imminent disaster. Explore a collapsing world with...
Новое начало - это кинематографический приключенческий триллер, выполненный в стиле графического романа.
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Delve into a hyper-cinematic adventure. You are a clone. You live at the world's end. You worship the last surviving human: the Allmother. When a dangerous rumour shatters your fai...
The player is a Raptor, a highly sophisticated thief armed with cutting edge equipment, who has just received word from a competitor that they may have found the Holy Grail. Offeri...
Alien 8 is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Ultimate Play The Game. It was released for the ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, Amstrad CPC and MSX in 1985.[a] The gam...
The Self-Willed Extreme Environment Volitional Organism, or Sweevo for short, is a goofy-looking and generally incompetent robot. His world is Knutz' Folly, and it comprises almost...
Somewhere in Hong Kong, two martial artists face each other in a vast courtyard. The challenger is a stout man in brown skin. The ground has been tainted with blood. However, his c...