From the creator of Final Fantasy, comes a new breathtaking adventure from industry legend Hironobu Sakaguchi. Fantasian is an exciting, new RPG set against a spectacular backdrop...
Launch S.T.E.A.M., an elite team of steam-powered special-forces soldiers, to save the world from an alien menace. In this new blend of action and strategy, your commandos use stea...
В ближайшем будущем вдохновитель террористов, известный только как Конец, угрожает человечеству ядерным армагеддоном. Специальная оперативная группа, команда S.E.A.L.E.D., - единст...
The PC version of Final Fantasy VII is based on an unfinished build of the Japanese version, and therefore contains the same bugs. It featured a midi soundtrack and the FMV were in...
A final exam to test Scout class abilities will be held. Retrieve 8 crates scattered across the areas. The exam will take place under actual combat conditions, so stay focused on...
The frigid valleys of the Dragonspire Mountains echo with the desperate plea of terrified miners: Heroes of the Forgotten Realms, save us from evil! Unwittingly digging in unhallo...
The player takes control of a master, a general capable of commanding as many states as he can acquire, and, if successful, unifies China. As many as eight may play, but only one c...
Kosmaga is a game of skill where the Twelve Gods of the Krosmoz universe settle their differences by pitting creatures, mortals, and demi-gods against each other in a battle of tru...
Наряду с графическими улучшениями, эта версия Final Fantasy IX также включает в себя обычный набор новых функций, которые можно найти в портах Final Fantasy, с набором достижений,...
Sneak, steal, and shoot your way through a world of pulp adventure in The Lamplighters League! Globetrot across a variety of exciting locales around the world and outwit your enemi...
Defend the last bastion of humanity with your squad of heroes! Exterminate fiendish monsters with magic and brute force by night and re-build your battered city defenses by day in...
Crystal Project is a non-linear JRPG where you are the maker of your own adventure. Explore the world while you find Crystals, unlock classes, learn abilities, and create a strateg...
Avan, Zeri and Cosette must move with the escort APC to the target point in Area 1. The main Class G force and Avan, Zeri and Cosette will operate separately for this mission.
Пошаговая тактическая RPG о группе проблемных студентов-магов. Используйте механику времени, чтобы усилить свои заклинания и блокировать атаки, исследуйте запутанные залы огромной...
After successfully fighting the evil forces trying to conquer Krynn, the supreme evil itself wishes to take over the fight. Once again, it's time to protect the land! As in the pre...
Defender of the Crown II is the sequel to the smash hit Defender of the Crown. It improves over the game by upgrading the arcade sequences. Here, unlike the original game; sword fi...
This game is the fourth installment of the main series. The game is the first to be presented in 3D, both in environment and in combat.
The first JoJo-centric game released, it was never localized outside Japan. Production was done under Shinji Hashimoto. The game features some notable alterations to the story of S...
Experience an enthralling new chapter in the critically acclaimed tactical RPG, Valkyria Chronicles, with an exciting expansion pack! Join the members of the Edy Detachment as they...
In Pokémon Card GB2, Team Great Rocket have kidnapped many of the Club Masters and attempted to steal the Legendary Cards. The player, assuming the role of Mark or Mint, must rescu...
A tale of the pledge made between the emperor and the Valkyria, the one who commands, and the one who is commanded. This event is a literary fragment that can be viewed from Berna...
Commanders, assemble your armies! BATTLE vs. CHESS calls for an interactive feather duster, chartering the successful chess game principle into the present day multimedia world. An...
A defense exercise will be carried out versus Class D. Defend the allied base camps in Areas 1, 4 and 5 for 8 turns. Be aware that poor weather is expected.
Class G has been assigned a top-secret mission by the Gallian Army. Army forces transporting secret documents were attacked at the Anthold Aqueduct, and the documents cannot be al...
Yugi and his friends are trapped in a virtual reality world gone crazy. As Yugi or Kaiba, you must form a team of three monsters to occupy towns across two different scenarios and...
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR is a remake of Megadimension Neptunia VII that features PlayStation VR support. New Virtual Reality events feature the goddesses making memories and spe...
This operation will be carried out in Mellvere by Avan, Zeri and Cosette. Capture the enemy base camp in Area 1. The mission will fail if all 3 members fall in battle. Cannon tow...