Trials of Mana is the third installment of the Mana series, developed by Square under the direction of series creator Koichi Ishii. The game takes place in a new world where, once...
Touhou Puppet Dance Performance is a spiritual successor to the Pokémon FireRed hack Touhou Puppet Play, involving training and collecting puppets of various Touhou characters.
In Tombs & Treasure, you'll have to use your wits in order for your party to successfully make its way through the ruins. As you enter such sites as El Castillo and the Ball Court,...
Reborn City — black smog and acidic water garnish the crumbling structures along the skyline. City streets fest like alleys with disaster and crime. But the metropolis stands, a de...
Tactics algorithm RPG with a pop world view stretched out by the Three Fairies of Light! While Hoppin' & flappin' the world of quarter view, can the three fairies defeat Cirno by m...
Successor plays at a brisk pace combining fast phased action with strategical depth. To reach the king's castle, you must carve a path conquering some of its many regions. You expl...
Pool of Radiance was the first adaptation of TSR's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D or D&D) fantasy role-playing game for home computers, becoming the first episode in a four-part...
Совершенно новое приключение с покемонами, основанное в регионе Торрен! Pokemon Insurgence - это фанатская игра серии Pokemon, основанная в совершенно новом регионе с забавными мех...
Вначале были Боги. Давно запертые и забытые в храмах Цитадели, они выкачали жизненную сущность из мира в своем последнем акте мести. Одинокий рыцарь отправляется на поиски, чтобы у...
Marvel Super War is a free-to-play 3D, third-person multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game by NetEase and Marvel Entertainment. It is in beta both on Android and iOS and is av...
Dragon Quest III известен тем, что значительно расширил оригинальную Dragon Warrior и Dragon Warrior II. В игре используются базовые правила консольной ролевой игры, такие как повы...
Folk Tale is a single-player fantasy village builder RPG game in which you lead a ragtag band of peasants in growing a small settlement into a thriving market town, while dastardly...
Развивайте свое королевство, создавайте альянсы и исследуйте одну из самых глубоких idle RPG за всю историю!
Ragnarok: The Lost Memories, the follow-up to Ragnarok Online, is finally here! Ragnarok: The Lost Memories brings back all the nostalgia and classic game experience of the origina...
The game takes place in the world of Fillujah, a world where all people have their own flying companion creature. The core three members of the cast (Raj, Amu, and Ist) are the pri...
Kingdom Under Fire included single-player and multiplayer online modes through Phantagram's Wargate server. The game is the first release in the Kingdom Under Fire series which lat...
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana is a Turn-Based RPG and with alchemy gameplay and story components. It is the 6th core Atelier game and the first game in the Iris series, being the firs...
Torneko (aka Taloon) from Dragon Quest IV was a merchant and treasure hunter who always dreamed of owning his own shop. Having defeating the evil along with other heroes, he return...
Йоно и небесный слон - это грандиозное приключение, включающее тщательно продуманные головоломки, поиски сокровищ, ожесточенные бои и мир, полный людей. Играйте за молодого слона,...
Langrisser mobile retains the classic turn-based strategic gameplay of the original series, with class suppression, terrain effects, and unique class trees for a customizable battl...
В Aarklash: Legacy примите командование отрядом наемников в поисках истины и проведите его через бесчисленные битвы.
A villain protagonist, high fantasy, horror RPG in which you, the player, will control Scythe and his party of Deathtouched as they take part in a story rich conquest through the w...
The number of monster shikigami that can be added to the group will increase.
This is a special edition of the first Phantasy Star for Mega Drive. Only released on Japan, made for the release of Phantasy Star IV debut. The real number of copies is uncertain...
Cat Quest II, фэнтезийная приключенческая RPG, возвращается в мир Фелингарда, чтобы дополнить оригинал более взрывоопасными заклинаниями, расширенными возможностями оружия, захваты...
An all new campaign that fits into the SpellForce series and enriches the world of SpellForce, including favourite characters and quests. An all new race of demonic enemies are al...
Shadowrun, based on the pen-and-paper RPG of the same name, is a futuristic sci-fi/fantasy game, taking inspiration from Neuromancer, Blade Runner, and other cyberpunk stories.
Danse Macabre is the second DLC (downloadable content, dubbed adventure packs in this series) for Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It contains a new campaign, a new Dynasty Weapon as well...