Phantom Dust is a video game for the Xbox console. It was developed by Microsoft Game Studios, produced and directed by Yukio Futatsugi, director of the critically acclaimed Panzer...
In the year 1989, a simple window cleaner is working outside of a skyscraper. Intending to play a prank on his angry boss, the unlikely hero discovers a secret passage leading to a...
Assemble your fleets, fill your silos with nuclear warheads, conduct research, gather resources, and wage war in a vast galaxy in this unique take on 4X Strategy. Appoint Colony Su...
An action adventure role-playing game that has a linear storyline with a somewhat open world to travel through and explore. Along with 4 main playable characters mix your team up w...
Players resume the role of a Raven, a mercenary who pilots a giant flying mech known as an Armored Core. This is a handheld port of the original Silent Line: Armored Core with cont...
A turn-based online RPG for the Nintendo GameCube. Set in the Phantasy Star Online universe, join the Hero or Dark side using cards featuring weapons or creatures from Phantasy Sta...
Welcome to Influence, a space strategy sandbox MMO set in the asteroid belt of the Adalia system. Adalia is humanity’s new home after an ill-fated journey aboard the Arvad, a multi...
The latest entry in the longrunning series of Gundam strategy RPG's, SD Gundam G Generation Genesis is being developed to launch on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vit...
The Big Red Adventure is a PC adventure game in which you once again are Doug Nuts, an international thief. This time you're off to steal the royal crown of the Russian Czars. In o...
Take control of a squadron of ships in full 3D space combat. Explore, battle and trade your way through a pirate, machine and monster-infested solar system.
Did you ever wonder what sports would be like in space? This dynamic multiplayer game will have you on the edge of your seat for hours! Mixing elements of rugby and basketball with...
Six years have passed after the events of 2226 A.D. The balance in the galaxy has been restored as transgalactic corporations have been deported to the outskirts of the galaxy and...
We Are The Caretakers is an afrofuturist sci-fi squad management RPG. Recruit, train, and manage an arcane team of protectors to unite cultures and defend the endangered wildlife y...
Allegiance is a multiplayer space combat sim originally developed by Microsoft that offers the action of ship-to-ship combat. From small, agile scouts to massive destroyers, you no...
Одна из величайших научно-фантастических стратегических игр всех времен возвращается с переработанными визуальными эффектами, многопользовательской онлайн-игрой и почти неограничен...
SD Gundam Dimension War is a Strategy game, developed by Locomotive Corporation and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 1995.
On that day humans start to face a crisis of destruction... A new title from the RPG METAL MAX about the story of human and tank is here! METAL MAX Xeno now here on PlayStation®!...
A strategy game written by Douglas Carlston and the second one in the Galactic Saga.
Diluvion is a 3D deep sea, Jules Verne inspired, exploration game with RPG elements and thrilling submarine combat. As the Captain of your own vessel, you must grow and manage your...
Spacebase Startopia captivates with its original mixture of economic simulation and empire building strategy paired with classic RTS skirmishes and a good dose of humor. In additio...
Japan-only game in the Super Robot Wars series
Two distinct characters called Mr Head and Mr Heels are played in this arcade adventure. They are separated at the shoulders but capable of joining together to maximize their abili...
A turn-based strategy game, and sequel to the original 1988 Laser Squad.
Innovative if overlooked game which utilizes the fledgling Inverse Parser system, which anticipates communication choices. Crawford later further developed this design after this g...
Full Metal Panic! Fight! Who Dares Wins is a strategy RPG game for PS4.
Explore a vast procedurally generated galaxy in which the narrative is directed entirely by you, the players. In Infinite Fleet, you are a commander within the United Sol Federatio...
In Galaxy in Turmoil, players take on the role of Roka, one of the galaxy’s most notorious mercenaries for hire, while she battles through the galaxy on a mission that will either...
Disc is an Amiga sports game inspired by the film Tron.