Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - The Contempt of Court is a fangame based on the Ace Attorney series. Created across eight years, the game features various four original cases in the...
This gripping paranormal horror adventure revolves around Hermitage, the sinister bookstore that attracts most unusual customers – all of whom seem to be involved in mysterious cas...
Проведите апостола Варфоломея через опыт в стиле комиксов. The Blind Prophet предлагает зрелый взгляд на жанр Point 'n' Click. Игровой процесс и впечатления строятся на сильной...
Chicken Police - это приключенческая игра Animal Noir, действие которой разворачивается в вымышленном мире дикой природы, с захватывающей, мрачной историей, зрелыми темами и уникал...
Paper Bride is a Chinese horror mystery puzzle game. You will play as the groom to search for the truth and have bizarre encounters, gradually learning about the dark mystic custom...
A mystery visual novel about six students forced to play a 12-hour long killing game.
Роберт Хилл просыпается в психиатрической лечебнице и страдает от тяжелой потери памяти. Следуйте строгому распорядку дня в учреждении и помогите ему восстановить свои воспоминания...
This debut game from developer Goichi Suda (also known as Suda51) follows the investigation of a series of murders which appear to match the profile of the killer responsible for a...
A fangame of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Inspired by Ace Attorney Investigations, created by GabuEx and ZeusAssassin published on the Equestrian Dreamers website. Unfortun...
Решайте пиксельные головоломки, чтобы найти подсказки. Используйте эти улики для допроса свидетелей. Прокладывай свой путь к истине... ...и раскройте тайну убийства по номерам!
Murder on the Marine Express is a visual novel game and the first installment of The Mysteries of Ranko Togawa series.
Устройство 6 играет с условностями игр и литературы, вплетает историю в географию и сочетает головоломку и новеллу, чтобы вовлечь игроков в интригующую тайну технологий и нейробиол...
Mothmen 1966 is a 'Pixel Pulp' - a visual novel featuring a fusion of exceptional writing and stunning illustration, inspired by mid-20th century pulp fiction and 80s home computer...
A mystery adventure that merges puzzles with visual novel elements.
Приключенческая игра с визуальным повествованием в стиле романа Минотавр рассказывает мрачную загадочную историю, действие которой разворачивается в недавно созданном научно-фантас...
Mario has heard rumours of an abandoned mansion that has been close to the Mushroom Kingdom for over a century. Any person who dares step into the mansion's rooms, never returns. M...
Join Lily on this hidden object adventure and help her disrupt the Duchess's cunning plans and save the kingdom from chaos.
dont_forget_me is a narrative investigation game where you explore your clients' memories using keywords in order to protect their freedom. In this cyberpunk world, everyone's memo...
В обществе, где последнее слово означает власть над другими, небольшая вечеринка прерывается джентльменом, который вежливо отдает приказы по одностороннему интеркому.
A reverse-detective adventure, where you control your character's face Who's Lila is a point-and-click adventure where, instead of choosing dialogue options, you control the chara...
A remaster of the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, released exclusively as part of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy bundle.
The port of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney released for Wii as WiiWare. This version is a straight port of the game, but with the touch mechanics ported and some small motion control...
Forklift Load is a forklift simulator created by KIMIDORISOFT. You operate a forklift making its way through the world, helping other vehicles with their problems, and trying to di...
This is the sequel to our Paper Bride series based on Chinese folklore. This story takes place in Zangling Village, where players must explore a village shrouded in occult mystery...
You do not know what Zorpon is. You must discover Zorpon. Truly Understanding Zorpon shall surely put you on the road of enlightenment.
This bundle is The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve in one package. Play as Ryunosuke Naruhodo, ancestor of Phoenix Wright, to solve mysteries...
In this match 3 adventure set in a 21st-century wizarding world, you’ll meet witches who will become your closest friends… and others who may betray you! It’s up to you how your my...