Spectrolite is a challenging first-person platformer set in futuristic environments. Combine parkouring with powerful abilities, test your skills in fast paced timed challenges, an...
Holy Purge is a co-op horror survival game for up to 3 players. Unite holy forces to stop an evil plague from consuming a medieval village. Unravel Witchcraft, fight off werewolves...
Infected by a zombie bite, Anling's days are numbered. She must now fight to survive, not for herself but her young son, Cody. Ensure Cody's survival in this zombie infested world...
Occupy the battlefield with your own characters in Mortal Blitz: Combat Arena, a Free-to-Play VR FPS. The strong elite mercenaries are joining the fights for fame and fortune in t...
Mafia Thief is a third-person stealth game. Break in 6 unique missions into houses, mansions, a warehouse or a junkyard to steal more than 100 different items. Complete the mission...
Riders of Asgard - это веселая и сложная игра Viking BMX. Разблокируйте новые карты и предметы, чтобы улучшить свой велосипед и гонщика, а также получить доступ к ранее недоступным...
Mole Mole An infinite competitive endless source of fun! Help Mole, a Miner Mole to collect gold, gems and diamonds while evil bots will try everything to stop you....
- An innovation fps/puzzle - An engaging experience with a beautiful and interesting artistic direction. - a dozen of well thought levels that will keep you fascinated during an af...
Dread of Laughter is a survival horror game where the player has to survive the attack of a serial killer by making choices that will either help the player or make the killer stro...
After a teenage girl goes missing, psychiatrist Judy Williams and detective Michael Grady try to piece together the strange circumstances of her disappearance. Their only clue is D...
Defend the Earth in this hyper intense, visually overwhelming, bullet hell, action shooter. Earth: 9000 a new indie Bullet Hell, Twin Stick, Rogue-Lite mashup. You take the role o...
In a post apocalyptic world, it is up to you and your allies to restore order to the world to defeat Dr. Smiley.
Wander around the Realm of Fiction to photograph dozens of whimsical creatures, Then befriend them through unique quests and minigames, from snowflake design, to tuning and playing...
Phantom Hysteria is a 1-4 player, online co-op ghost hunting game. Take on ghost-hunting contracts with your taped-together equipment as one of four playable P.I.N.E characters. Ho...
Today is Grandma’s funeral. Your brother David stopped by her house after work to pick up Grandpa but no one has heard from them. That’s when you come in.. Welcome to Stuff'd.
Turf Wars is a chaotic top-down local multiplayer shooter that takes place in dynamic crime-shaped ghetto environments. Packed with action, hazards, and explosions that will keep y...
Duck n' Dodge is a platforming title inspired by classic Atari games and modern endless runners. Race to the end while avoiding bullets, blades, and colorful enemies. Features: -...
Domin'Ant is a game of confrontation between Gerard, an alcoholic in his forties, driven by loneliness in his dilapidated house, and Cassandra, the ant who will do anything to redu...
Vilset is a strategic simulator based on the principle of survival of people, who turned out to be beyond the limits of their civilization.
Elusive Verge is a third-person sci-fi exploration game set on a Comet on its way around the Earth. You take control over a drone, one of the two survivors of an attack on your exp...
Put your combat skills to the test in this fast paced FPS. Resist and rebel against a rogue AI, will you conquer and reclaim or perish? Forged to challenge your skills in a fast,...
Project 9 is a game of endless war. The player can utilize first person, third person and RTS controls to progress. Using several open environments and their resources to build you...
Modern Earth and Mythological Earth collide in Breach, a third person action RPG with fast-paced combat. Create your own character and choose from dozens of classes. Take your char...
The Behind The Beyond is a thriller mystery Game which tells the story about a agent who is a victim of his own hallucinations. Through out the game he is perplexed between his dr...
Aefen Fall is a first-person parkour fantasy game. Run, jump and use your alchemical powers in a DieselPunk world to reach your goal as quickly as possible. Your abilities, your fr...
AFAP includes single player levels, in which the goal is to master the levels as fast as possible. During the level a timer runs in which you must have passed the level. For each l...
Night Blade is a Multiplayer Fast-Paced PvP game. Players (2-8) fight in various game modes to win in a cyberpunk arena.
Mysterious signal with an unknown purpose reaches Earth. Inside a space station, a lone Operator and the onboard AI are tasked with analyzing the signal, but the process itself see...