Based on several L. J. Smith books of the 1990s, The Vampire Diaries is a suspenseful mystery adventure about a town infested with vampires and one teen's efforts to find them. Fea...
Aoi, a third year middle school student who attends an all-boy's junior and senior high school. Hinata, the mysterious Dead of Night Man who only appears at 2 A.M. beneath the saku...
On a lonely stretch of highway, a young girl is found unconscious, a bloody knife lying next to her. Was she a victim, or did she attack someone? Her doctors are baffled when she f...
Trapped in an innocent 2D world trying to figure out what's going on by your own decisions! Prepare for one of the hardest and most frustrating game you've ever experienced. Play C...
В недалеком будущем на окраине пояса астероидов на корабле Артемида вспыхивает кровавый мятеж. Вы берете на себя роль старпома Камины Драммер, и от вашего выбора зависит судьба кор...
В этой игре о приключениях и загадках, где древние языки являются одновременно и замком, и ключом, путешествуйте по бесконечным ступеням огромного лабиринта, умножайте неожиданные...
The main character wakes up in a tunnel of the subway and tries to find out that happened to it and other passengers of the train. To understand that after all it happened to the g...
Выступая в роли Адама Вулфа, исследователя паранормальных явлений, вы откроете для себя скрытый мир под современным Сан-Франциско. В этом городе призраки, артефакты, секретные прик...
После взлома MI7 ваша главная цель - привлечь киберпреступную сеть к ответственности. Игра Mainlining, в которую можно играть полностью из среды рабочего стола вашего компьютера, п...
Как журналистка, Лора Джеймс снова привлекается к расследованию странного убийства. То, что начинается как обычное расследование, быстро принимает мрачный оборот. New York Mysteri...
As the summer heat fades, Suoh Shirahane is just one step away from unraveling the mystery of why her beloved Amitie partner left in the spring.
This debut game from developer Goichi Suda (also known as Suda51) follows the investigation of a series of murders which appear to match the profile of the killer responsible for a...
New York City has been hit with a series of murders and the body count is piling up. For FBI Agent Nicole Bonnet, finding a lead is becoming impossible, as it seems the victims are...
The Shapeshifting Detective - это сверхъестественная нуар-детективная игра FMV, в которой вы играете за детектива, который может превращаться в других персонажей, позволяя вам откр...
Insomnis is a first-person horror game focused on story, exploration and solving puzzles to advance through a terrifying atmosphere. Players take control of Joe Castevet, who will...
A mystery adventure that merges puzzles with visual novel elements.
Роберт Хилл просыпается в психиатрической лечебнице и страдает от тяжелой потери памяти. Следуйте строгому распорядку дня в учреждении и помогите ему восстановить свои воспоминания...
Begin your journey in this dark fantasy rogue-lite. As a warrior, a Yotun, descend into the ever-changing Durnar and uncover the mysteries of your tribe. Use a variety of Symbiotic...
Alone is a horror adventure game. You have to help Yeongchul trapped inside his home, navigate the house to protect himself from suspicious people.
Throw yourself into an exciting adventure! Live Adventure is a 2nd person game where you follow the journey of two young explorers, Lence and Reel in search of their parents. Solve...
Forgotten Fables: Wolves on the Westwind is a visual novel set in the German pen-and-paper universe of The Dark Eye.
Mato Anomalies is a turn-based RPG that takes players on a journey across Mato, a fantasized neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Take control of the Dual Protagonists...
Устройство 6 играет с условностями игр и литературы, вплетает историю в географию и сочетает головоломку и новеллу, чтобы вовлечь игроков в интригующую тайну технологий и нейробиол...
.Hack//Mutation is the second of a series of four games, titled .hack//Infection, .hack//Mutation, .hack//Outbreak, and .hack//Quarantine, features a game within a game; a fictiona...
You dredge the satellite transmission. Awash in static, harsh structures emerge. Trace a guide line through crushing atmosphere; phantom signals lead to encoded relics. Exhumed fro...
Steampunk Paris, set against the background of the late 19th century, torn between tradition and modernity. Class differences and pervasive racism finally lead to a tragedy. A year...
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