Lumina, a young Teslamancer, finds herself stranded after her airship crashes in Wyrmheim, a remote and treacherous land to the North. Embark on a dangerous adventure, exploring a...
Игра-головоломка, в которой комнаты - это предметы, а предметы - это комнаты. Доберитесь до цели, перемещая, переставляя и дублируя комнаты и изменяя структуру мира.
Инопланетяне захватили планету и поработили человечество. Только у вас есть ноу-хау, чтобы отбросить подлую угрозу, освободить своих собратьев-землян и СПАСТИ МИР. Mugsters - это...
Игра о ходьбе / прыжках между плоскими поверхностями, чтобы собрать все красные квадраты
Boodunnit?! is an adventure-sandbox game where you play as a ghost that has to solve the mystery of her own murder! The village of Boonkle was a peaceful, quiet, and remarkably...
Colourful and enthralling platform game with the bold anthropomorphic animal as protagonist! Meet the Cattch!
Planet of the Eyes is an action-puzzle platformer with a retro sci-fi inspired aesthetic and a mystery-driven storyline. At the outset of the game, the player - an exploration robo...
Super Mustache is a vintage styled platformer, filled to the brim with 8 bit pixel art juice! Join Captain Super Mustache in a journey to save the planet Uranus. If you enjoyed cla...
Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon are at their Manhattan hideout plotting their next caper, when suddenly a large masked man bursts in. The man is escorted by a woman who proceeds to tell L...
Wagyan Paradise is the third Wagyan Land game for the Super Famicom and the sixth game in the series overall. It features two new Wagyan dinosaur protagonists who alternate between...
E.T. may have left Earth safely onboard his spaceship, but trouble awaits him soon after landing in this 3D PlayStation adventure. The universe is in danger and only E.T. can help...
Это короткая увлекательная головоломка-платформер об одиноком роботе, который пытается найти своего хозяина. Чтобы пройти весь путь, вам придется искать мастера в двух измерениях о...
What would happen to the world in which appeared a technology capable of cloning anything? Overloop is a dystopian platformer set in a world where the cloning of any subject is po...
Where the Bees Make Honey tells a story about reflecting on different moments from your childhood, which are played and experienced from an adult perspective. At its core Where The...
Claire de lune offers puzzle solving, platforming, stealth sequences and first person combat, combined with an engaging character-driven storyline. You play as John, a smuggler on...
Dymension is a horror first-person game where you have to plunge into a complicated story that at first glance seems simple, but hides a lot of details and puzzles. You're alone in...
Have you ever realized how words are important? And how they can drive our emotions? Enjoy the uncluttered and peculiar aesthetics of Pretentious Game and plunge wholeheartedly in...
In Frost Byte you control Hickey the Kreezer, an elastic curve which moves sideways, jumps and shoots. You must navigate your way through planet Cosmica, and rescue your brethren,...
Exploring the Art of Adventure... From the creators of Crayola Treasure Adventures on DS and the most respected brand in households with kids, comes Crayola Colorful Journey Wii,...
Thousands of years after the activation of the Vesper Protocol, a small android crosses a fallen world, hunted by merciless machines, to control the power of Light and decide the f...
Murasaki Baby tells the story of a little girl who wakes up in a weird world, populated by children’s fantasies and fears. Holding a purple, heart-shaped balloon in her hand, she f...
Unknown Fate is an enigmatic story-driven action adventure set in a surreal world full of mind-twisting puzzles and bizarre creatures. Set off on an amazing journey through Unknow...
Adventure Llama is a puzzle-oriented platformer game for smartphones. The player controls Pablo, a llama which can only walk non-stop from right to left and left to right and jump,...
Super Phantom Cat is a Pawsome retro platformer, or what we like to call Catformer, in which you explore quirky environments, clear purrrfect colorful levels, solve the mysteries s...
Octarina is a physics-based 3D puzzle platformer featuring a trapped little octopus who must find a way out and escape out of a sushi factory site. You play as an adorable little o...
Explore a mysterious island as a tiny lizard. Complete ancient puzzles, effortlessly climb cliffs, and eat bugs as you make your way across an island civilization lost to time.
An award-winning anti-platformer where destruction is the only way to move. Mold yourself into any form by destroying your cells, and traverse a devastated landscape filled with br...
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