The quirky Raposa and your drawn hero return in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, the next installment in the beloved franchise! Uncover the mystery of the Shadow and save Mike and his fr...
The neighbours are often annoyed by naughty cat Bobo. One day they decide to get rid of him. Little Bobo wakes up far away and all alone. Will he find a way back home?
Magnetic By Nature explores platforming without platforms. Experience a fast-paced, single-player adventure mixing fluid motion, split-second decision making, stylized machine-age...
Camera Obscura takes the beloved platforming gameplay from the 80's and 90's and adds an innovative afterimage mechanic that allows you to clone the world around you in order to sp...
A Pixel Story - это хитроумный 2D-платформер-головоломка, который показывает эволюцию видеоигр. Вы должны использовать свою волшебную шляпу телепортации, чтобы исследовать 6 все бо...
Christian themed first-person shooter where you battle giant floating heads repenting Pride, Fear, Vanity and Self-righteousness.
Ride on the backs of carpet dragons and dive into the depths of a vibrant woven world. Explore the textile landscape soaring above and diving below the weave, solve puzzles, challe...
Discover the world of Dros, a beautifully detailed story-driven adventure about a slimy little creature and her human bounty hunter shell. Little Dros and Captain both have differ...
Follow Amelia, a stressed and overworked gamedev (or as people in the industry call it... Just a gamedev) through a surreal trip with three distinctly different game modes: a first...
Explore a retro 3D fantasy world in this indie game, Essence Of The Tjikko. Deep in a underground botanic lab, an hybrid plant child wakes up with no memory, only its plant instinc...
Tales of Fire is a short story-driven game, embark on an adventure to bring fire to your ant village or else they all die to the cold winter breeze. Platform your way through mushr...
A 2D Sci-fi Action Platformer about a Space Pirate who has crash-landed on an unknown planet. Hack, slash and explore this bizarre and challenging retro-style world.
Split the world with a swipe of your finger and then rearrange it to guide critters back to their spaceship. Explore colorful planets full of danger, challenging puzzles, and innov...
Wenjia is a 2D platform game with puzzle-solving elements. Players can freely travel between two realms, each of them with different challenges and obstacles. Players must utilize...
What happened to the Minoan civilization? Join parkour master Marie Taylor and treasure hunter James Andrew in a historical action thriller, as they unveil the secrets of a forgott...
Free spin-off puzzle platformer Elle. Collect coins while avoiding the labyrinth keepers.
Animal Gods is an old-school, top / down action game. Play as Thistle, a bounty hunter from 1500 BC Europe. Discover a lost world. Stop an occult leader. Defeat the cursed gods.
Cloning Clyde is a 3D side-scrolling adventure. As Clyde, or one of his clones, work your way through the levels of the nefarious Dupliclone, Inc. building. It houses bizarre simu...
Giga Wrecker is a 2D puzzle-platform action game developed and published by Game Freak. You play as a cyborg girl, who has the power of reconstructing debris and scraps into variou...
Dark Mystery is a Puzzled Platformer Game in which player faces different types of difficulties to find his true love.
Ninja Usagimaru - The Mysterious Karakuri Castle is an action puzzle game that challenges players to put their sharpened ninja skills to the test!
Onirike is an original adventure, puzzles, and 3d platformer video game that plays in an intricate open world, designed with a non-linear narrative, and presented with a peculiar g...
It's like if Jump King and Limbo had a baby. A platform jumper for Android (offered in Google Play) that invokes consistent feelings of total relaxation and complete frustration. M...
Flatland: Prologue is a free, full and original game (not a demo) and also a prequel to Flatland Vol.1. Run as fast and precise as you can through Flatland, a minimalist neon-styl...
Ugly is a psycho-dark fairy tale with new mechanics. You will have to swap the main character with his own reflection to solve puzzles, defeat bosses and discover all the secrets i...
Adventure through a beautiful and troubling world where nothing is as it seems, to confront and conquer your fears. Kay knows monsters. Monsters that you know, too. Loneliness, de...
The Lightbringer is a poetic adventure/puzzle platformer with light combat elements, set in a beautiful world claimed by a vile corruption. Guided by your sister's spirit, you must...
Prepare yourself for another journey through series of new worlds, featuring multiple challenges with many ways to pass a level and resolve puzzles. A-MEN 2 allows you to hang out...