99 Spirits is an RPG/Puzzle game that revolves around the popular Japanese folklore of Tsukumogami, everyday objects coming alive on their 100th birthday. The Game Features an ori...
In Dungeon Dice monsters, there is a tiled board of 13 x 19 tiles (13 tiles wide) on which play is conducted. On either end of the board sits a Monster Lord (on the 7th tile from e...
The Chronus Fragments are needed to prepare for the Time Rewinding, which only takes place once every 10 years. On their way to the Chronus Shrine to get the Fragments, Loka and hi...
Присоединяйтесь к Катриэль Лейтон, нашей новой героине, поскольку она оказывается втянутой в случайный, загадочный квест, корни которого уходят в поиски ее пропавшего отца, професс...
Have you ever expected to see the famous plumber Mario in a puzzle game? Mario Forever: Block Party is one of the more interesting Mario games. It mixes the classical, platform gam...
Introducing Hata no Kokoro the expressive pokerface! Has the Combo Morph: 3 Types ability that gives you three types of Special Bubbles depending on the color of your fifth combo....
Buckle-up for an epic road trip through a colorful world of puzzles and adventure. Use driving skills and puzzle solving abilities to find missing artifacts and piece together the...
Acorn Assault - это причудливая пошаговая стратегическая игра с покачивающимся хвостом. Соберите армию, свергните короля-тирана и спасите угнетенных белок! Есть ли у вас все необхо...
Adventures of Lolo is a puzzle game released in 1989 by HAL Corporation for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is based on the Japanese Eggerland video game series.
A doujin action puzzle game by Twilight Frontier based on the Touhou Project series.
When crisp air turns foul, and hideous beasts creep forth to dine on the flesh of innocents, a call will go forth. A call for brave adventurers skilled enough to protect the weak a...
The Legend of Kage is a 1985 arcade game by Taito and was released for several contemporary video game home systems in 1986. The player is armed with a kodachi shortsword and an u...
The Infernal Return is a role-playing adventure game. Players will play the role as Koward, a guy who was abducted to the netherworld to sort out puzzles, collect items and eventua...
Goosebumps Horrorland is a Goosebumps game released on October 28, 2008 for the Wii, Nintendo DS, and PlayStation 2. This game was a tie-in to the Goosebumps Horrorland book series...
Dive into wild arcade action as you feed fish and fight aliens in the craziest aquarium around! Control and protect a colorful aquarium with fantastic fish and colorful sea creatur...
Тайм-менеджмент / стратегическая игра, в которой вы помогаете Геркулесу (древнегреческому мифическому герою) и его команде пройти множество уровней и добиться конечного успеха. Как...
Go back in time to a bygone civilization: the ancient world of Phoenicia. There you will play a simple and captivating game where sparkling, rainbow-coloured jewels drop one after...
Merek’s Market combines the craftsmanship, characters and chaos of running a medieval shop. Take ownership of a small shop as you haggle, barter and craft your way through a comic...
Slap The Rocks is a new top-down puzzle which will push your brain to the limit. Slap rocks, avoid bushes and flee from stumps! Can you smash your way to the final level? Many leve...
Переосмысление классического жанра сокобан, медленная и добрая игра с оригинальными элементами геймплея. Mushroom Quest - это захватывающая аркада в стиле ретро, идеально подходяща...
Тодд Рекс хочет стейк. Тодд Рекс хочет ТВОЙ стейк. Ты позволишь ему забрать это? Ни за что! Идите домой, динозавры! Не дайте ордам мародерствующих динозавров разрушить вашу вечери...
A Chess RPG/strategy adventure set on an open world map. Made for people who want something different from standard Chess. Equip items to gain magic powers.
Side Story Pack, vol. 3! The title is, The Education of Spell Bubble - Yukari's Counterattack!
Scarlet Devil Land Arrange Pack Vol.2”, a collection of popular arrangement tracks is here. Featuring classics like “sweet little sister” and the much talked about “Scarlet Police...
Triple Town - это оригинальная игра-головоломка, в которой вы пытаетесь вырастить как можно больший город. Чем больше город, который вы строите, тем больше очков вы набираете. Вы с...
Polish those magic and thinking skills, because there's no turning back! Help Roniu find his way through a death-defying dungeon and take down a plague of enemies hellbent on keepi...
Evertried is an isometric, tactical rogue-lite where the player ascends a mysterious tower in the afterlife using their wits, strategy and positioning in turn-based combat. Make cl...
The PC port lacks second player to play the other vikings, backgrounds are pure black, the HUD is put at the bottom of the screen. In 2014 the game was added to Battle.net as a fr...