Betrayer: Curse of the Spine is an Action-Adventure Metroidvania. The game features decision making, crafting, fast-paced combat, multiple endings, intricate storytelling, an open...
In the year 2281, the war spanning half a century over territory between the United World Forces and the Raian Kingdom had at last come to an end. But this peace was not to last....
Dragon Ball GT: Transformation is a Game Boy Advance action game based on the Japanese cartoon Dragon Ball GT. Transformation follows the Dragon Ball GT storyline from the Child Go...
Shin Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Kunio-tachi no Banka is a beat 'em up in the Kunio / Nekketsu High series. The eternal rebel Kunio and his pal Riki finally get to face the long arm...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time produced by Konami is a beat 'em up side scrolling game for up to two players. It's the fourth Turtles game, following Turtle 3: Th...
A side scrolling action game focused on speed, for the PlayStation 3.
5 Force Fighters is a 2D fighting game with a cast of unstoppable characters, and a combat system that boasts universal offensive and defensive options. Unravel the story of 5 teen...
Captain Blue is casting for the lead in his new action movie and the competition is RED HOT! Fight head-to-head against your friends - whoever is the most kick-butt lands the starr...
Crisis Evil 2 is a sequel to the first Resident Evil themed mod by HarlemHero. It takes place at the same time as the events of the first Crisis Evil and features 2 new playable ch...
The year is 2020 A.D. The evil drug kingpin Pitbull and his army of robots and brainwashed servants have crippled the law enforcement agencies of the world. You must seek out and d...
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV - это 2D-драка с боковой прокруткой, действие которой разворачивается за 30 лет до событий Final Fantasy XV. Эта игра отличается графикой, вдохно...
River City Ransom is back, rebuilt from the ground up! Rekindle old rivalries and relive past rumbles through a completely revamped story! A re-release of the classic Nintendo 3DS...
Like Søren Grønbech's other game Datastorm, Sword of Sodan was most noted on the technical side, as the sprites were large and distinctive-looking. Your task (as either a hero or h...
Use your wits and your razor sharp sword to recapture the Golden Axe from the diabolical Death Adder. Defeat skeletons and giant bats in dark, deep chasms and caves. And summon Ear...
The Age of Chaos is upon the Chaltar world! The source of this chaos is rumored to be at the heart of an ancient tower. Join Sadler, Rumi, Kindi, and Fakhyle as they begin a new qu...
It's been two years since Arnold and Sonya were made into Shockmen. A message from the professor to return to their bodies has them head to his laboratory, but they are ambushed by...
Riot Zone is a side-scrolling fighting game that follows two heroes as they fight to take down an evil organization. The crime syndicate Dragon Zone has kidnapped Hawk's girlfriend...
A mobile version of Dungeon Fighter Online, using 3D models instead of 2D sprites, released in Korea on mobile devices. Had a closed beta in October 2016 was fully released in Janu...
Spiritfall is a fast-paced Action Roguelite inspired by Platform Fighters. Battle against a multitude of enemies using an ever-changing arsenal of divine powers.
Target: Renegade is a scrolling beat'em up (or flip-screen on certain versions) computer game released on the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum systems in the late 1980s by...
Battletoads for the Game Boy (not to be confused with Battletoads in Ragnarok's World, which is a port of the NES game) is the second game in the Battletoads series.
Bad Dudes, are you bad enough?! Rampant ninja related crimes these days... Whitehouse is not the exception.... As soon as that occurs, a Secret Service agent asks two street-smart...
The game follows the story of the manga from the start of the series, until Ichigo's victory over Ulquiorra Cifer. The game's story is told through voice acting and text. There are...
Journey through the planet Aries to the beautiful City of Radactian - and save it from the evil Janken the Great. This game was considered to be Sega's attempt on Super Mario.
Aces Wild - это быстро развивающаяся, хардкорная, воздушная игра beat 'em up. Вы играете за Эйса Уайлдера, пытающегося победить своего брата Рекса в турнире, где он и все остальны...
Fight the enemies and monsters with cute characters and raise the level. At every level you can learn new skills or get new items. Achieve the crown and gain glory. Gather gold and...
Tower of Doom is a side-scrolling arcade game featuring four different characters (cleric, dwarf, elf, fighter) fighting iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters. Bosses include a troll...
And arcade Shoot'em/beat'em up/platformer. You plays as various humanoids that battle each other in arena combat.