Те, кто остаются - это психологический триллер, действие которого происходит в Дормонте, маленьком городке в США. На первый взгляд Дормонт кажется обычным и типичным американским г...
Серийный убийца на свободе, и только вы можете остановить Призрака! История сосредоточена на Кояме Кадзуки, молодом детективе, нанятом Играсилом. Агентство, которое расследует убий...
Oblitus Casa is the culmination of Treasure Island's legacy and is the official final chapter in the FNaTI story. With new gameplay, better graphics, and atmospheric sound design,...
A villain protagonist, high fantasy, horror RPG in which you, the player, will control Scythe and his party of Deathtouched as they take part in a story rich conquest through the w...
Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is a 2.5D game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame. Set in the year 2083 in Neo Hong-Kong the story follows Mei-Lin Mak, a young wom...
Ann, an art student finds herself trapped in the school when she accidentally broke one of the school's rules. With the help of the school's security guard, help Ann navigate her w...
Tattletail - это короткая сюжетная хоррор-игра от первого лица о любимой говорящей игрушке 90-х. Ты открыла свою сплетницу перед Рождеством, и теперь она не хочет оставаться в свое...
There Is No Light is a brutal action-adventure set in a grim underground world ruled by the mysterious Church of the Great Hand. Blast your way through the hordes of enemies, fight...
Goetia - это приключенческая игра укажи и щелкни, и, как в любой приключенческой игре, вы будете искать подсказки, находить предметы и выяснять, как их использовать или комбинирова...
Puppet Master: The Game is a Free to Play online multiplayer game that celebrates the series' 30 year legacy. Revisit iconic locations, Select from a large roster of playable chara...
Uncanny Valley is a survival horror game that includes a mix of exploration, puzzle solving and a bit of action with a lot of optional story content. We're trying to preserve the o...
Taking place in a single mansion in Candlewood, northeast USA, in the early 20th Century, House of Caravan is a sinister adventure filled with dark secrets and vexing puzzles.
This game will creep up your spine and get to your mind! Symptoms such as anxiety, increased heart rate and shivering will occur. This game is not for the sensitive type, but for t...
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered is a survival horror stealth game that parodies cheap 90's edutainment and never takes itself too seriously. Explore Baldi's schoolhouse and try t...
Enju Yoinara is a middle school teacher at the small, rural Yusei Junior High. A strange encounter one rainy morning is quickly forgotten as the rest of the day goes by without inc...
Sym - это головоломка-платформер, исследующий социальное тревожное расстройство. Играйте за Джоша, мальчика-подростка, пытающегося примирить лабиринт из двух контрастных миров, кот...
The Closing Shift is a Japanese horror game about a girl on a closing shift.
Prognostic is a supernatural horror about a medium who solves cases for the police. It combines horror elements with detective work. An orphan returns to the house of the deceased...
When technology meets Cthulhu! Magrunner: Dark Pulse is an action-puzzle game in which technology confronts the Cthulhu Mythos, as imagined by author, H. P. Lovecraft. You are Da...
Like the original game but on steroids.
Rally your party. Build your deck and boost its power and potential. Slay your enemies and protect your allies. Play your cards right and you might just survive the perilous descen...
Ты должен сбежать от бабушки и дедушки... У тебя есть пять дней...
Noct is a 2D top-down multiplayer survival horror game that blends arcade combat with RPG survival elements. You are a survivor of the apocalyptic purge that formed the desolate wa...
The Red Colony is in shambles after the deadly outbreak of the Z-Virus, the only source of life left on Mars is the Blue Colony, which has its own teeth filled problems. You play...
После безрадостного существования в постапокалиптических пустошах вы думали, что готовы ко всему. Но теперь нет никакого способа убежать. Выбор, который вы делаете, определяет, как...
Embark on an adventure as a new Reaper who has gone rogue! Collect equipment and spells, learn powerful attacks against hordes of enemies, complete quests for a cast of quirky char...